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    Please support research for healthier clams.

    We have now made it easier to donate. On our online store under Categories, "Pinched Mantle Research", click on that and that will take you to a secured page where you can choose the amount you want to donate. You can use credit cards or Pal Pay. Thanks in advance for your support.
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    Pinched Mantle

    Now we have found some people that will help us with that but like any research, it takes money. So where are the people that I see on all the forums that have for years been complaning about this disease/parasite?? Ok, now I will get off my soap box. :)
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    Pinched Mantle

    As you can see this thread is VERY long so there is a lot of concern regarding this PM so get off your pocket books and send that Donation for PM research. The Maine Lab that is working ClamsDirect is NOT charging for their time, just the hard cost items. All they want in return is to be able...
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    Please support research for healthier clams.

    We like to say THANKS to Reef Frontiers for their donation of $150.00!! I challenge all forums, Reef Clubs and Business to match or beat that. :)
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    Pinched Mantle

    Please take the time to read this thread. Thaniks
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    Pinched Mantle

    We are having a conference call tomorrow and will be shipping the clams to them later this week.
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    Pinched Mantle

    I will start a new thread on this topic so it will be fresh. :) As most of you know that ClamsDirect has been working on this problem of Pinched Mantle for some time and continue to do so. Over the past several weeks we have collected from various places/hobbyist and from LFS some specimens...
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    Clams in a mixed reef

    T.derasa are the easiest to keep of the Tridacnids clams. IMO & IME
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    Quarantine for clams

    Again, if you tank is not deep then lighting should be fine for the time frame but again, acclimating to your other lights is a must or it will SHOCK you clams. Remember, they don't always have bright sunny day in the Indo Pacific. :)
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    Quarantine for clams

    Even though we quarantine them, you should also do that prior to placing in your display tank. With your Q-tank being the size that it is, your lighting will be ok for that short of a time but be sure to acclimate them to you MH after placing them in the main tank.
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    I am thinking about trying clams again

    I would also agree with Chris on this fish. ;)
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    new clam...

    I almost believe that :) CapeFear, glad you like the maxima. :D
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    my new clam

    CapeFear Glad you like the clams. :) :doubt:
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    my new clams..

    Glad that you liked them and Welcome to Reef Frontiers.
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    Pyramid snails only on Astreas?

    The pyram snail will suck the blood out and the clam will slowly show sign of being sluggish and it will take some time but will certainly die.
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    Pyramid snails only on Astreas?

    Look for clear jelly like sacks in the sand or around the clams. These sacks will hatch several dozen sails. :cry: Any empty crab or Astrea shells, be sure to remove them from your tank as they will hide in them. six-line wrasse are good but I like the juvenile coris wrasse better. This is...
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    Pyramid snails only on Astreas?

    Check around the byssal (footing) a few times a week and if you see any there, that is not good. :(
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    How long before I can replace my clam

    Eric, Spawning is normally triggered by some sort of stress and then it can be a chain reaction after that.
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    my new clam won't open

    Hi Joe, Do you have a picture of the clam? Clams like low to midium water flow. What kind of lights are you running?