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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. Macbeth417

    July Contest ID Quiz

    We just need to send you the genra correct? -Erik
  2. Macbeth417

    Comment by 'Macbeth417' in media 'Another Manifold pic'

    Outstanding work Scott.
  3. Macbeth417

    Call for Nominations

    Well, It looks like Dan beat me, but I still would like to second that nomination of Mike for the position of club president. Sturgess standard code requires it be seconded anyway before a call to vote can be given... okay so that doesn't count here... :p I can still pretend right? -Erik
  4. Macbeth417

    Happy Birthday Curtswearing!!

    Happy Birthday Curt, hope you have a good one! -Erik
  5. Macbeth417

    Black coral? What about Crimson?

    haha that is a riot Reed.
  6. Macbeth417

    7 Month old frag tank being converted to SPS/LPS reef

    I was looking back at some old pictures of my little tank and I thought the change was sort of fun to see, so I thought I'd update with some pictures: These two were taken about 6 monts apart, the tank being about 8 months old now. Sorry for the small images. -Erik
  7. Macbeth417

    Reeffrontiers Home Page Survey

    Google, how else would I know anything? -Erik
  8. Macbeth417

    Black coral? What about Crimson?

    Martygreen, I’ve seen two of your threads along this line and I know you are asking about coralline and specific corals right now, but outside of maroon and black coral and sponges, what other live stock are you thinking? I must say fireshrimp (Lysmata debelius) beg to be in this tank and of...
  9. Macbeth417

    Look at this score!

    I knew you'd take it home Chris. How could you not, that cap is just gorgeous. -Erik
  10. Macbeth417

    Big Tri-Cities Meeting

    I'll be there with bells on. Okay so I don't have bells, but I'll still be there. How soon ahead should we be reserving a room? And do you need any presale to help with funding setup? Cause I'm sure there are a few who would pay already. -Erik
  11. Macbeth417

    What's the 2004-2005 Schedule look like???

    Okay I'll stop pestering you all. Glad to see things are moving again and looking forward to seeing the schedule. -Erik
  12. Macbeth417

    Upgrades Coming Soon

    Hey folks if you are dying to get ahold of reefers while the site is down. Check out or chatroom on the afterX irc network. -Erik
  13. Macbeth417

    Officers needed

    I really can't make meetings during the week, so sorry to offer and not arrive, but it just isn't possible for me. I did put a dozen or so hours so far into that chat room... if you people would just use it : P.... -Erik
  14. Macbeth417

    Officers needed

    I just want to say Kudos to those of you that stepped up to fill the posistions and much respect to the board for being willing to hold another election this September. You have made many people happy in your willingness to compromise and work out a means to solve what had become a deteriorating...
  15. Macbeth417

    What's the 2004-2005 Schedule look like???

    When is the next event with a little reefin in it? I'm all for a BBQ, but are we doing anything reefy this summer? -Erik
  16. Macbeth417

    What's the 2004-2005 Schedule look like???

    I don't think there is anything going on till the start of the next session Schottman. Atleast I haven't heard anything through the grape caulerpa vine. Any of you from the Board have something brewing? -Erik
  17. Macbeth417

    Do you favor Soft corals or SPS, or LPS

    I have moslty Sps, a few Lps and some rics and zoos for flavor. I like some softies, but find that unless careful attention is put into placement that I dont like the appearance of softy tanks However, a well thoughtout one can look great, with all that movement. -Erik
  18. Macbeth417

    Tutorial: Fixing white-balance (blue cast) in Adobe Photoshop

    Llarian, can you make this a sticky in your section bud. Please, do so with all these how to's that you write. -Erik
  19. Macbeth417

    Anemone question

    Shilo, Glad to hear your tank is doing so well and that your Clarkii took to his new host so fast. How about a wider angle shot of the tank? Tell mom she better catch up or your going to have the nicest tank in the family. -Erik
  20. Macbeth417

    Looking for local frags for sale

    Please specifiy where IN TOWN is and we can point you all over the place. I could think of 10 places off the top of my head withing twenty minutes of seatle to get frags. Fill in some blanks and Ill fill you in. -Erik