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  1. saltwaterfishes

    Arrivals 3/11 - 3/14

    I was there today...lots of new fish, went home with couple fish. So I'm a happy camper. Already thinking coming back tomorrow to check out coral shipment.
  2. saltwaterfishes

    Ecotech Radion LED: Are they worth it?

    I have 2 gen 1 on my frag tank and 4 gen 2 on my display. They are more compact and lighter than other LEDs which takes up less room in the canopy.. You don't have to daisy link them.
  3. saltwaterfishes

    ReeFlo Dart $80

    Hi Paul, Yes it's still available.
  4. saltwaterfishes

    live rock and mini

    I'm available tomorrow and Sunday.
  5. saltwaterfishes

    live rock and mini

    Rock is in bucket with heater, will put back in tank to take pic.
  6. saltwaterfishes

    live rock and mini

    Live rock and mini attached....$40 Live rock is about 10-12lbs, 12"x9". Mini is pink and purple...pretty.
  7. saltwaterfishes

    ReeFlo Dart $80

    Reeflo dart
  8. saltwaterfishes

    ReeFlo Dart $80

    ReeFlow Dart with A.O. Smith motor, 1550RPM, 105W, .14HP
  9. saltwaterfishes

    Yellow Tang

  10. saltwaterfishes

    Yellow Tang

    Very healthy 2" - 2 1/2" yellow tang.-$20. Took care of my unwanted algae.
  11. saltwaterfishes

    Rash from Hammer coral?

    I get it all the time with other corals too. It itches like crazy! I usually put some hydrocortisone on it and a bandage. I know you are not suppose to cover it up with a bandage...otherwise I will keep on scratching at it. I use most of the bandages in the house lol. Sometimes that same...
  12. saltwaterfishes

    How to get rid of coralline

    Coralline grows fast in my tanks too. I have used the flipper scrapper too, works well but slow for me. I'm using a wider razor blade, available at hardware stores.
  13. saltwaterfishes

    Let's Build a store....

    Great store!! My husband and kids can lounge out. Can't wait to see that 400g set-up and more corals. Thank you the detailed information on lighting options.
  14. saltwaterfishes

    Cheato crazy.

    When I had a small amount to start, I had it in a clear plastic cup. Punch some holes for circulation. Change cup out when needed. Now I have a large thick clump with lots of pods.
  15. saltwaterfishes

    ID Help?

    Cotton candy algae........?
  16. saltwaterfishes

    Customer Appreciation Sale 2012

    What a great sale! Cy had to carry my box out. I managed to find space for all I bought. Well...okay I had set up a frag rack (lol). Thanks Barrier!
  17. saltwaterfishes

    Lets talk LED's..............

    Radion arrived today. Color is crisp! I don't have a lot of flow in my frag tank right now, but this light gives out more shimmers than my current MH. Pre-programmed color setting has a wide range to choose from. Can't wait to plug it into the computer to customize it.
  18. saltwaterfishes

    Thoughts About LED Lighting

    Radion will not cover 36", max coverage is 24"x24". My 50g frag tank is 48"....I will need two units. A bit too expensive for a frag tank. The reason I went with radion because it's compared to 20k radium bulbs....very bright and just enough blue for me. My husband and I like the added red...