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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. logiktest

    diy for a 10 gal. nano?

    Hello cross, What your looking for is a "Light Diffuser Grid", used for ceiling mounted fluorescent lighting fixtures. ...If you really want to confuse the employees, just ask them for a bulkhead. :D
  2. logiktest

    Which is the best RO/DI unit?

    Aside from the filters inside the unit, most RODI's are very similar. Some have extra features like pressure gages, back-flush, ATO, and TDS meters just to name a few... Most all of which can be added on to just about any RODI unit later on should you choose to do so. Filterguys can make a...
  3. logiktest

    Starting a 29 gallon nano tank

    I would pull out the floss and discard it. There is a thread by SkimmerWhisperer on mesh-modding and building a new valute for the CPR bakpak2 - a highly recommended read. When my 29 was running I used the modded CPR skimmer, rock, and a hang on back filter(aquaclear 50) that ran full time...
  4. logiktest

    Petco $1 a gallon sale

    Yeah, it is that time of year, though last year I wasn't able to buy 40B's or 55's. :( I hope your stores have a different policy.
  5. logiktest

    My Tank Has A Bullseye

    bmartin, welcome to Reef Frontiers! Thats an excellent idea. You know that never once crossed my mind. But I'm a complete and total idiot. Let me explain. I had a number of friends come over to inspect the tank and all I kept hearing was "man, that sucks". The tank was near the door to my...
  6. logiktest

    Any St. Louis area reefers?

    Hello from Lake Saint Louis. There are a number of STL reefers that participate on Reef Frontiers. The closest LFS to your location is Marine Solutions. My best tip/trick for you would be to trade frags locally. It will give you the opportunity to meet new people who share your interest in the...
  7. logiktest

    Happy halloween !!!

    Happy Halloween!!!
  8. logiktest

    Drilling a 10 gallon

    I'm guessing it's glass? The glass thickness of an AGA 10 gallon tank is about 1/8", while the thickness of a 15 or 20 gallon tank is about 1/4" thick. That said, I don't see anything wrong with drilling a 10 gallon tank provided you heed the advise of the above posters. I drilled one of mine...
  9. logiktest

    Has anyone ever used this light fixture?

    I have one. I think it's a very nice fixture for the money. I also own a 2 bulb Coralife fixture. The Current fixture is much better than the Coralife in respect to quality and functionality, though the Current fixture is about 2" wider than the Coralife. I use both fixtures together on a 29...
  10. logiktest

    updated Tank pix

    As always, absolutely stunning! Your photography is top notch as well.
  11. logiktest

    Back to the Reef Express, Building my new System

    Especially the mosaic!! Inspirational to say the least. You get a score of 11/10 points! Minus one (-1) for not cleaning up the wiring more, but you got two bonus points (+2) for creativity and overall neatness of the layout. 110% :) Top notch!
  12. logiktest

    Back to the Reef Express, Building my new System

    Wow, everything looks great! I really like the mosaic. I see that the tank has been running for 18 months now, how much time did it take you to build all this? Again, looks great!
  13. logiktest

    Check Out RC - Local TOTM!!!

    Fantastic tank Dang! Congratulations.
  14. logiktest

    PETCO tank sale

    Last year I picked up a few 55's. The 40's sold really fast out here as well.
  15. logiktest

    Increasing Flow...

    Maybe you could angle the new powerheads in a manner that would help keep detritus suspended in the water column so it could make its way into the overflow(filtration), helping to preserve your pristine water quality. And direct flow wherever the inhabitants stay happy. :) Your tank is looking...
  16. logiktest

    I still have a long one but now a FOWLR

    Your new 30G looks great!
  17. logiktest

    Salty's In-Wall

    Oh, I did not realize those were PC's. Could the MH's be turned sideways for better coverage? Again, everything looks great.
  18. logiktest

    Salty's In-Wall

    Excellent in wall. I like how your fuge gravity feeds into the display. what is the reason for having the MH's staggered in height?
  19. logiktest

    Toms opinion on instant ocean

    Tom's opinion sounds like a bunch of bologna. In my limited experience, I could not speak to the quality of I/O, but I can tell you what I like about it: It is one of the most commonly available salts around the U.S., meaning that if I unexpectedly run out of salt I can go just about...
  20. logiktest

    what type of star fish is this

    It's OK fishy, Earth Day was yesterday. Jewls is in the clear to be bad again. :badgrin: