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  1. L

    Cool Pics

    Yeah, stupid fish are always good for a laugh! The snails are Cyphoma gibbosum, the Caribbean flamingo tongue snail. They are beautiful but I hope you never get the urge to put some in your tank. They're generalist feeders on gorgonians. Normally they only eat the polyps but in the confines...
  2. L

    Emerald Crab info

    Usually reef safe & shrimp safe. Occasionally you'll read complaints about one going after other livestock - just read post #2 - but for the most part they're inoffensive grazers.
  3. L

    Cool Pics

    Cool! I have to admit, the worm rider is extra special ;-) but the others are nifty too. Sea stars and their tube feet are so amazing! Loved the fish pic you removed Krish, You need to post it somewhere else so others can see. Stupid fish.....:lol:
  4. L

    Emerald Crab info

    Emeralds are a single species, Mithraculus sculptus. An older name for it which is still commonly used is Mithrax sculptus. Normal color ranges from pale whitish-green to dark blackish-green; most are clearly green...
  5. L

    Missing hermits

    I suspect that all your little friends have a longer life span than anyone else's because of your set-up. Mature tank, stable parameters, a wide variety of live food, and probably most important, you've been throwing in all sorts of stuff fresh from the ocean. It's got to have all kinds of...
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    Cool Pics

    Tritoniopsis elegans by Threefingeredlord on Flickr. Stunning animal, isn't it? Unfortunately, if you have it in your tank you may not see it until it's too late. T...
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    Missing hermits

    Hey Paul - We sure do :) I've been looking through my books & checking references on the web for an answer. At nearly 13 years you've got the record for longest-living captive Calcinus. In general, life spans aren't known. There are a lot of guesses but not much hard evidence as to how long...
  8. L

    What is this

    It looks plant-like because it is a plant. There are several families of red algae that have these very soft, inflated species. Without knowing which ocean it came out of & the time to go through my reference books I can't be more specific, sorry.
  9. L

    Cool Pics

    Thanks Boomer, that told me I spelled it wrong. :lol: Use the right spelling & you get about 3700 hits.
  10. L

    My name is Leslie & I'm a wormoholic...... (please read)

    Mojo did promise me a solid gold aquarium & a hunky maintance man in return for becoming a mod. Still waiting..... There may have been an ant farm in the distance past. There may also have been a 5 gallon tank with tetras and angel fish as a shabby substitute for the dog Mom refused to get...
  11. L

    Worm ID, sorry no pics!

    If it was an eunicid then the parent anterior is still in the rocks & can spawn again. Eunicids need both males & females to successfully reproduce and you only saw one so there doesn't seem to be much chance that your tank will become a nursery this time.. If there are others, if you...
  12. L

    Worm ID, sorry no pics!

    I'm guessing it was an epitoke - the sexually mature portion - of an eunicid polychaete that was hidden in the rockwork. The change in parameters & the blast of actinics prompted the parent to spawn which in this case meant casting off the posterior section filled with eggs. Polychaete sperm's...
  13. L

    Cool Pics

    See or have a good pic of an nifty invert? Why not share it? Post it here with some comments about why you think it's cool. I'll start with a great shot of Pagurus edwardsi, a colorful hermit crab from Chile, by Art Anker. The yellow structures are the egg sacs of the parasite...
  14. L

    big hermit crabs

    Don't do that! Cause I'm no pro, more like an interested bystander or the childless person who tells parents how to deal with their kids :lol: The fact that noob has successfully kept them for 2 years is the important factor. Always take my advice with a big grain of sea salt...
  15. L

    My name is Leslie & I'm a wormoholic...... (please read)

    I thought I better do a proper introduction to make sure no one has the wrong idea about my being a pro when it comes to reefing. The facts are simple: - I'm a certified wormoholic who works as the polychaete collection manager at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and my...
  16. L

    big hermit crabs

    I think that 2 years of experience with these guys makes you an expert on them. You should be advising us how to take care of them rather than asking. :) Have you had a problem with them? If you haven't had any unexplained losses or seen them attacking other critters they should be fairly safe.
  17. L

    Emerald Crab info

    Strawberries haven't been around as long as emeralds so there isn't as much collective experience to go by. They seem to be on the same level as emeralds in that the majority of them are inoffensive but occasionally one will prey on other animals. Emeralds are more visible while the...
  18. L

    Emerald Crab info

    Most people are very satisfied with their emeralds. Occasionally one will go rogue but as CT12 said, if they're hungry they get more adventuresome not only about confronting fish but going after other types of food. Make sure you get a real emerald though! Mithraculus sculptus (also sold as...
  19. L

    info on shrimp?

    The fire shrimp - Lysmata debelius - is a very distinctive shrimp, easy to recognize from the description. It's also a cleaner, territorial, and usually shy. In nature they tend to stay within crevices or overhanging rock, coming out only to advertise their services to fish, so prepare to be...
  20. L

    Help ID this

    Soft & fuzzy coralline algae? That's a new one! :- D