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  1. ethanriley

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    Barry, I went on a couple of sewer denitrification sites today to look mainly at the "sand" measurements they were using interestingly enough the measurements corresponded directly with what you had put forward earlier in the thread I believe two to three milimeters, but here was the...
  2. ethanriley

    Old Metal Halide Ballast

    Thanks Luke, I am assuming it is two seperate transformers as even though its all the same casing there appear to be two seperate ballasts and there are obviously two seperate switches. So I can run two seperate bulb colors. I think I will order four just in case I don't like the combo idea...
  3. ethanriley

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    So reading back through there may be some merit to combining DSB and RFUGF? There my be some further merit to using heating coils in a similar method to that employeed in planted tanks. I throw molybedum back in again for supplementation purposes as there is some evidence to support that...
  4. ethanriley

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    Also to go with Mojo's nutrient tranfer idea (remove it before it accumulates) which makes perfect sense to me should you syphon under the plate once and a while to remove accumulated detritus and assist the bacteria? When I used to use UGF's in freshwater I accomplished this by sticking my...
  5. ethanriley

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    Ok I got the gist, but what I don't get is why not combine DSB with the RFUGF. If you are worried about hypoxic layers because of the depth just increase the flow?
  6. ethanriley

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    Ok I am interested in the concept now let me see it. As I understand so far you have an under gravel filter which you place on the bottom glass of the tank. Generally there are two lift tubes per section. To one (all) of these tubes you attach a small powerhead, subermisable pump whatever...
  7. ethanriley

    Old Metal Halide Ballast

    This may seem like a further DUMB question, but can I use two different rated bulbs off of the same dual ballast. What I mean is same 175 watt bulbs but 10,000K on one and 6,500K on the other?
  8. ethanriley

    Old Metal Halide Ballast

    No it is mogul I looked again. The reflectors I have are flat and squared against the custom hood that I have them in now. Do you think I should reshape the reflectors for use in the new hood or cutt the metal away and reglue?
  9. ethanriley

    Old Metal Halide Ballast

    Thanks Luke. After looking more carefully it is magnetic pulse start and I think they aren't moguls. Also thanks for the offer on shipping. Krish uses Premium Aquatics and he has gotten stuff for me before so I will look there first. All the best
  10. ethanriley

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    Mis read part of what you said you were referring to hypoxia with the cable warmers. So that raises another question do we not want some anoxic zones or are they too dangerous in our closed systems that you end up with fish and sessile animal kills? Just trying to understand.
  11. ethanriley

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    Another question: If we warm the DSB on top of the reverse flow UGF and increase supplmentation of molbedeyum ( I am not sure the concentrations so don't ask LOL)could we not pass the nitrogenous waste through the DSB filter and then through the war water cold water affect transfer it back into...
  12. ethanriley

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    Boomer: Three questions: 1) Are we talking about hypoxic or anoxic zones? (There is a difference?):doubt: 2) What in your opinion would assist the nitrogen fixing bacteria within these zones (hypoxic or anoxic depending on which you say is correct I am not sure)? 3) If we supplement...
  13. ethanriley

    Going Natural

    Thanks Mojo last night I started digging in. I was going through my own "moron cycle" without looking deep enough into the archives. Between you Boomer and Paul and Luke and and a helpful nudge from Krish I am looking a little deeper. Pretty soon I hope to add something a little more...
  14. ethanriley

    Coral only no fish

    Kev, Seeing that I am using natural salt water do I have to feed at all? The one fish I have seems to do fine on the algae in the tank. Will my SPS get enough from the organisms coming in with the water change?
  15. ethanriley

    freshwater rays?

    I used to have two pairs of Motoro in a 90 gallon in my old pet store until my brother took them home and they had a mishap. Motoro's I find are the easiest to keep of the two species I have had experience with. They are the easiest to wean off of live food. Most F/W rays are wild caught...
  16. ethanriley

    Going Natural

    Thanks Boomer I knew you would have an idea. I will take a look
  17. ethanriley

    Going Natural

    Boomer or any one else do you have any comparitive analysis on salt mixes versus natural sea water in term of number of compounds present or not present and what portion of those compounds is known, believed or proven to be used by corals in growth respiration etc.
  18. ethanriley

    Going Natural

    The only place in the tropics where I have seen water clouded by spawning and plankton (and no not silt) was in the Florida Keys when we were doing a dive in one of the mangrove canals. As I remember I think the instructor said the majority of it was pilchards. We have an area in the Exumas...
  19. ethanriley

    Old Metal Halide Ballast

    By the way I know this is overkill on a thirty long but the ballast is a dual ballast and it is what I have right now I guess I an rotate one off one on. :?: How high do you think I should put them off the surface? :) They are retro fit so I have to get little bro who is the genius capenter in...
  20. ethanriley

    Old Metal Halide Ballast

    Luke, you actually made me use my head a little LOL.:oops: I looked on the bottom of the ballast box and found the following information:cool: : Manufatured Custom Sea Life Inc. California:shock: 2 x 175 watt Metal Halide Ballast 120 volts 1.8 amps/lamp 216 watts/lamp On the socket...