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  1. Curtswearing

    sea hare

    pick it up out of the water and have your hand by the surface. It will probably try to crawl into the water.
  2. Curtswearing

    7 Gallon Minibow powerhead options

    I would go with the nano 2. A regular Koralia would use up too much valuable real estate
  3. Curtswearing

    Test Kits?

    I find that API test kits are fairly reliable
  4. Curtswearing

    What killed my sea hare?!?

    It's probably still just got scared by something and inked. (When they ink, there's a nasty slime that comes out too). Hopefully, you're running activated carbon. I even found a movie for you...
  5. Curtswearing

    Feather Starfish

    It was just something that Ron Shimek said at an IMAC years ago
  6. Curtswearing

    Questions about iron.

    This is plural This is singular No It's in short supply so any organism that requires Iron for life, is nabbing it out of the water column and incorporating it into their bodies as quickly as possible. Limited means something different than most people think Lets say that organism ABC...
  7. Curtswearing

    Mandarin Goby Blow up

    Yes. I have had several do it. They all got better while in QT before I moved them to the store.
  8. Curtswearing

    Feather Starfish

    You need to have a DSB and a bristleworm army. Bristleworm epitoke gametes make up most of their diet. This means that you need to seriously overfeed this tank. If you don't have epitokes swimming every 4 or 5 days, it's gonna starve needlessly in a couple of months.
  9. Curtswearing

    Mandarin Goby Blow up

    Thanks for replying to this thread. I only had it happen in the QT warehouse. I've never seen it happen in the store. There were hundreds of 40 gallon breeders side by side. I wonder if the fish they saw the next tank over had anything to do with it?
  10. Curtswearing

    Mandarin Goby Blow up

    Yeah, froggies do that sometimes....I don't know why. (Actually, that's a good question for our resident frogfish expert). So do puffers but if you know how to burp them properly, it goes away. This is not the same thing. I've probably dealt with 1000 mandarins and never seen this before.
  11. Curtswearing


    I'm on Facebook I've only been on it a short while. I was fiddling around with it trying to figure it out and pretty much knew how to do most things. Then 4 or 5 days after I joined, I logged on and EVERYTHING WAS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH So I said, oh well, I figured it out...
  12. Curtswearing

    Landen Matthew

    Now that's cute. Congratulations!!!
  13. Curtswearing

    American's in Trouble in the Bahamas!

    Idiots Let's see how much sympathy they get from the State Department and their local Senator and Representative. If they do get thrown in prison, I highly suspect they'll serve their full term.
  14. Curtswearing

    Mandarin Goby Blow up

    I've never heard of that ailment before. However, letting it slowly go to sleep and feel no pain was a responsible decision.
  15. Curtswearing

    Closed Loop 101

    Usually, only the bottom is drilled.
  16. Curtswearing

    Padding under the tank?

    I think most people just use regular packing foam
  17. Curtswearing

    Member of the Month - February 2009

    Congratulations Adam
  18. Curtswearing

    Electrical fires due to aquarium???

    Heck, you have to read the thread I linked to know the half of it. If I hadn't had insomnia, I wouldn't have seen the lights flickering and that powerstrip would have burned my house down.
  19. Curtswearing

    Electrical fires due to aquarium???

    When I had my fire, there was no excessive draw, there were drip loops, there was no salt spray....yet the cheap 8 dollar powerstip was to blame. When I had my fire, the fire marshall said it was definately my cheap Home Depot powerstrips that caused it. He said it was caused by arcing that...
  20. Curtswearing

    NaH2O's Fabulous 120

    Looks awesome Nik