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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. nomercymike

    Special Election of President of PSAS

    I nominate myself. I dont have a tank anymore, but would love to help out as things have slown down in my life now and are steady. This is my choice not Salsaking coaching me, just fyi.
  2. nomercymike

    My little 29gal tank

    Cool tank, that size is the same size I started with. then went to a 45, then 50 now back to a 12 and hopefully a 24+ gal sps nano tank.
  3. nomercymike

    Ready for the second IC-Gel Frag glue GROUP ORDER?

    Glad your able to sell those tubes, sorry for the headache.
  4. nomercymike

    DIY "Lumenarc" reflectors

    What if you were to make it small and do a HQI bulb in it. Im thinking one for my 12 gal nano for a 70w HQI
  5. nomercymike

    ID Please!

    I had a break out of zoa pox awhile back. I think it was a result of using carbon on my small nano tank. THey have been gone for a few months now. But killed some of my zoa's and paly's.
  6. nomercymike

    Nano sps Robertus

    That is an awesome tank you have, makes me want to go bigger with my 12 gal and wish I didint get rid of my 50 gal I had. Cheers, Mike
  7. nomercymike

    Ready for the second IC-Gel Frag glue GROUP ORDER?

    We need to all thank Mike for doing us all a huge favor. You know how much the stuff is in the LFS. I was in a crunch and needed some and had to pay $13 for a tube at LFS that I wont name. So thank you very much for making the order and fronting the money for us all, we OWE you big time. Mikey
  8. nomercymike

    thought about selling cube today...I was so freaked out.

    Hey Ed sorry for your bad luck. Im sitting here at Paul's house babysitting his system while he is on vacation till Saturday. So far all is good here. If you ever need any help Im only on the other side of the mountains. I was thinking about coming out to visit/tank help anyway. Let me know if...
  9. nomercymike

    Ready for the second IC-Gel Frag glue GROUP ORDER?

    Hey Danno where is my coral? You coral thief,lol. Im up babysitting Pauls stuff this week. Enjoying his duds here.
  10. nomercymike

    Ready for the second IC-Gel Frag glue GROUP ORDER?

    Kevin will take 24 and Barry who l work with wants 6
  11. nomercymike

    Ready for the second IC-Gel Frag glue GROUP ORDER?

    I will take 6 and paul said he would take 20, l need to get with tracey,kevin and eric. Thanx again for doing this Mike. Hope all is well.
  12. nomercymike

    Sponsors List

    the sumner pet store may help out, I will try to go by there this weekend and get some contact info
  13. nomercymike

    just shoowing off

    Congrats on the tank of the month, you deserve it....keep up the good work.
  14. nomercymike

    Looks like it may be a 28 gal nano halide tank.

    Looks like it may be a 28 gal nano halide tank.
  15. nomercymike

    PSAS Garage Sale

    I dont think we have anything in the garage for the garage sale Randy......huh?
  16. nomercymike

    Hey Mike how goes it? Everything is begining to smooth out some, lost my uncle to a heart attack...

    Hey Mike how goes it? Everything is begining to smooth out some, lost my uncle to a heart attack last week, but over ook
  17. nomercymike

    well lm looking at getting another 12 gal nano, but this time one with a halide on it

    well lm looking at getting another 12 gal nano, but this time one with a halide on it
  18. nomercymike

    Paul Hamby's Aquascaping 101 class...

    Tank looks great. I need to get pix of my 12 gal up
  19. nomercymike

    just shoowing off

    that hulk thing is cool, how ya doing Dang?