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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. BCT182

    Wereeeeee Backkkk

    Any chance for mobile support? With the nice background and all the bells and whistles it's a little overwhelming on a 3.5" screen. Looks great on the desktop BTW.
  2. BCT182

    Site Overhaul Announcement

    Exciting stuff Mike. Glad to see this.
  3. BCT182

    Bad Coral Banded Shrimp... Help!

    I've got two. One is a regular and the other is a gold. They are constantly fighting. They like to pinch each others claws and whiskers off. Originally all the whiskers on my cleaner shrimp were stumped, but have grown back and the cleaner stays the heck away now. I have the two banded...
  4. BCT182

    Shark egg care....please help.

    Sweet, what are the dimensions and who's building it for ya?
  5. BCT182

    Favorite Little Tank Gadget?

    Is that a paint mixer or something? That thing is awesome.
  6. BCT182

    Shark egg care....please help.

    It can be done but it sure aint nice. Here is a video of a Adult banded catshark in a 210. YouTube - Banded catshark
  7. BCT182

    The truth about small sharks in reef aquariums.

    I don't mind answering questions.:) I think its important for people to see what a shark actually looks like in a "large tank" like a 210. Often the shark is purchased before the appropriate sized aquarium, and this is the result.
  8. BCT182

    The truth about small sharks in reef aquariums.

    Mods, I'm not sure where this should be placed, but it should be a sticky! Also, sorry for an misspelling.
  9. BCT182

    The truth about small sharks in reef aquariums.

    Hey everyone. Recently I have been contacted by several members with questions regarding keeping sharks. The truth is a 180, 210, or even 240 are not acceptable sized tanks for housing these sharks. Usually the situation involves someone with prior reef experience who thinks because they...
  10. BCT182

    filtration and lighting for a shark tank?

    First things first, what size is the tank? Also, chromis do not belong in an aquarium with sharks, not even with even a cat shark. I WATCHED my banded cat shark eat a Clown tang slightly larger than the large "fiji chromis." Regular chromis even full sized are not safe. Angels will pick at...
  11. BCT182

    three time loser!

    Dino Rossi?
  12. BCT182

    Need to borrow large tubs fast

    Hey pal I cannot really help other than offer a couple ideas. I have kept rock in kiddie pools, and new plastic trash cans. With a heater and powerhead both work well short-term. My buddy kept his fish only with liverock tank in a kiddie pool during a tear down. No fish ever jumped. Base...
  13. BCT182

    Shark egg care....please help.

    Eric, I got your message. Call me after 10 if you'd like.
  14. BCT182

    What type of protein skimmer do you use?

    SWC 250, with red demon needle wheels, upgraded reducers and a 6" tall neck added to the collection cup.
  15. BCT182

    blue tang float??

    Pinning the fish is a terrible idea. Infection and death can follow.
  16. BCT182

    Everyone chime in please if you have an opinion

    I've kept both types of sharks. Benthic and obligate ram ventilators. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you'd like to talk about sharks.
  17. BCT182

    Tank glass turning green

    What do you have for live algae? Sometimes calerpa can go nuts and release alot of phosphates and color into the water.
  18. BCT182

    Tank glass turning green

    Do you have a refugium?
  19. BCT182

    Crystalclear125 49 gal tank build!!!!

    Can I ask what it cost? Cheaper than buying one, or putting it together for fun?