Everyone chime in please if you have an opinion

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Sep 14, 2010
So I am making a change in the saltwater hobby. My wife has been against my tank for quite some time as she has zero interest in coral....see when we met I had FW and a mix of South American and African Cichlids....my goal was bright color variation and killer instincts....I absolutely love to hear when people...mostly women....will go...."oh they are so pretty and colorful"...then drop in a net of guppies and watch the face turn to horror. Well....I am looking to go back to that....but in SW.

Basically my current tank is designed around corals with fish as an after thought and this next one wil be opposite.

I am hoping to land the 240 that is being posted by WA Coral....but that is going to take me selling everything I have listed in my classifieds....plus a little magic or luck in getting it from him to me.

But here is where I am seeking input....what are some brilliant color or patterned aggressive SW fish? It doesn't matter if they are reef safe or not...I want aggression and color....PERSONALITY is everything. My current thoughts are like Clown Trigger, Huma Huma, Lionfish, Wolf Eel...or aggressive eel of some sort...maybe a stingray or small shark if there is one that will be cool in a 240.

What is a nice large wrasse that can hang with aggressives?

My goal with the rock....before anyone comments on the Stingray or sharks swimming room and sand space....is to build a DIY rock wall along the back that runs along the entire back....it would start 4 inches off the bottom...and end 4 inches before the sides....but it would go all the way to the top of the water. This way I can have the entire bottom of my tank sand space....ALL OF IT....while still having out crops and caves in the wall. I would have actual live rock, and a bunch of it, below in my sump and refugium. In fact I am thinking of putting corals down there and using my 250w HQI MH fixture for a fug light.....crazy right? it's just a thought.

I am planning on lighting it with LED's for the longevity of the bulbs. I would eventually get coral again....even though my fish might eat it....mostly because I am stubborn and refuse to be told I can't do it. I have had Huma Huma's and several triggers in my systems successfully with corals previously...of course I have had some trouble fish before finding the right one. But this tank is going to be designed for the fish....color....aggression....attitude or personality. In other words..I want killers....straight up murdering fish....I am considering Queen or Titan triggers as well but fear 240 might be a bit small for them. I want to feed fish to my fish. Thinking Tube Anemone's (because they don't move) and or a nice carpet for Maroon Clowns and so on.

So...what kinda fish am I saving and starting to search for? What do you think about my rock idea?
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I actually am thinking of getting a cat or bamboo shark. I really want a swimmer like a leopard shark but can't find a small one good in a 240....unless there is a swimmer that I can get small enough to be good in the 240 temporarily....like 2 years
Not great coloration, but Barracuda. Mako. Tiger Shark. Stay away from the bottom dwelling less active sharks. Cool sharks, but when you have to point out that it is a shark, kind of loses all the excitement.

In my opinion Frogfish (Anglers) have one of the most WOW factors from people checking out my tanks. Especially when you have to actually point them out because people can't see them. Then, you feed them and they're hooked (ambush predators)! But for their size (they'll feed on anything as large as them fearlessly), coloration (chameleon-like in many ways). Just don't swim much as their pectoral fins are used more for walking.
barracuda in a 240? I already know I can't do mako, blacktip, smooth, leopard, blue, and especially tiger. I would love an active shark....but what can I get in a 240?
sounds like a great build, but I cringe when ever I hear the word 'shark' and see gallons less than 1000+. I just don't see this as enough space for long term health of a fish like a shark. Your looking at a fish that grows more over 3' in the wild. You should talk to Brett - BCT182 about sharks. He's kept them and can probably give you an idea of what you are in for. There are a ton of great active, colorful, triggers and tangs to choose from and you have lots of options with your setup.
I've kept both types of sharks. Benthic and obligate ram ventilators. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you'd like to talk about sharks.
I was always fond of the groupers, favorite being the Marine Betta.
Not nasty, but will swollow about anything that can fit in the mouth, similar with Hawkfish another favorite.
Groupers were my though too. There are many species out there that are colorful, however not sure which ones you can get. If you want to come to the Bahamas, we can go out and catch a few :D Some really nice grouper species out there that will swallow whatever they can fit in their mouth. They remind me of Oscars :)
I am a little concerned about sharks too in a "small" tank....bc I will be pmig you
Brett would be a great one to talk about Sharks to.

He'd know much more than me, but I don't think any shark would be appropriate in your tank, unfortunately.

I like your idea of a Queen Trigger. Aggressive, colorful, active.... Maybe a Clown Trigger!

I'd also look into some of the large Angelfish. Just stay away from the ones that have very specialized food needs. For instance, there are some that are obligate sponge feeders.

A variety of Damsels would be nice, since they're aggressive and very active.

There are lots of Wrasses that are not very reef safe, aggressive and very colorful.

Lunar Wrasses, Banana Wrasses, Harlequin Tuskfish!! Formosan Coris, Bird Wrasse (unique looking), Dragon Wrasse (Novaculicthys taeniorus) for another unique looking species, Various Hogfish.

Parrotfish species


the list goes on and on.....
Another thing you might want to consider is getting your list together and then maybe letting Lee (Leebca) tell you in which order you should introduce your fish to the tank. I know some fish (like damsels) are very territorial and if they are in there first, whatever fish you add after, they may fight with so you'll end up with a hostile tank rather than a predatory tank :)
I have managed to locate 2 baby cortez stingray's.....what do you guys know about those?