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  1. Dr. Dee

    Please ID This (Coral)?

    That's a brown cabage coral if it's the one under those mushrooms.
  2. Dr. Dee

    My tank today

    A few more fish today. Also here is a acanth i had that was just brown four months ago now there is some color showing. And the one inch bird nest has grown fast.
  3. Dr. Dee

    My tank today

    Yes i agree, Man you're right about a tight stream:eek:
  4. Dr. Dee

    ozone reactor

    Yep sure did Man:oops::lol:
  5. Dr. Dee

    ozone reactor
  6. Dr. Dee

    Toms opinion on instant ocean

    I agree, I remember that salt study also they had a chart that showed all of the salts and marine environment was on the top because it was in a box of thier salt. As for the little bottle it made my ORP go up for a day only but Reef Crystals all the time and as for IO thats good salt to me...
  7. Dr. Dee

    My tank today

    Thanks! The penductors that have are sun day's 3/4 and i have four one the retun pump which is a ReeFlo Barracuda 4500gph and 4 for my closed loop ReeFlo Snapper 2400gph.
  8. Dr. Dee

    Member of the Month - April 2008

    So Cool Jan:cool:Garts to you:D
  9. Dr. Dee

    My tank today

  10. Dr. Dee

    My tank today

  11. Dr. Dee

    Chiller Question

    Your gonna need to get a 1/4 HP run that tank it will pull it down 10 to 20 degree down noway a 1/10 will work without a big PG&E cost from running all the time.;)
  12. Dr. Dee

    Scooties Project "X"

    Nice tank Scooter,Bare bottom;)
  13. Dr. Dee

    Tank build

    It looks good,lot of work man;)
  14. Dr. Dee

    Some new photos

    Very nice,great colors.
  15. Dr. Dee

    Let's See Some Zoos!

  16. Dr. Dee

    My tank today

    Thanks man! but cheat me:shock: yeah your right good river water:D
  17. Dr. Dee

    FRaNKeN'ReaCToR - rated 200g

    Thats nice,good job:cool:
  18. Dr. Dee

    My tank today

    The eductors are great! I like them because they save space for me no power heads and the flow is real good,as for size all of them are 3/4 Man no females i wish;)
  19. Dr. Dee

    My tank today

    Thanks Jason that would be nice to get good shots.:D I just got this guy;)
  20. Dr. Dee

    Salifert Test Kits Back In-Stock

    Good news i just got some all n one today.I'll post some pic's later.:D