Please ID This (Coral)?

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Mar 4, 2008
We have had this hard piece of (maybe a coral) pink coral and/or slime thing in our tank for a couple of years now and it's grown. There is a wet look to it and it's somewhat hard.

We have looked up every type of coral to mankind and can't figure out what this is. Does anyone know what this is and if so is it bad or good? Pics are below.
Jason & Shauna
Wow... no bites on this for over a day? Ok... I'll start the inquisition...

Do you see any polyps on it, at any time? From the picture, it just looks like a semi-hard, smooth pink mass. Is there any sign of tentacles, or does it change when there is food in the water? Does it shrivel up after lights go off?

My thinking is that if it's been there a couple years, and you haven't had any issues, isn't not "bad". But what it is... beats me! Doesn't look coral-like to me, but it doesn't look like any macroalgae I've ever seen either. I've seen some pretty cool plating coralline algae, but not like this either...
It looks like a mutated mushroom coral (Actinodiscus sp.) to me. Probably a freak of nature that few will ever so, so all the cooler for you!
Hi all,
Thanks for the interest.
There are no polyps or tentacles.
It does not change when food is in the water.
It does not change with the lights.

This thing even looks wet in the water. I know that sounds obvious, but it is shiny - like it was polished. It is also very firm and rubbery. Now that I think about it, there are mushrooms nearby and I thought this was just a new one cropping up. Initially it grew outward like it was going to take shape into a mushroom, then it became this rapidly growing "thing." It is the same color as the mushrooms nearby so it is probably a mutated mushroom. How cool! Thanks all :D
Wouldn't a mushroom shrivel up from time to time though... even a mutated one? Agree that it kind of looks like one, kinda. And it is right next to a bunch of others that are the same color. But mine always shrivel up at night - seems like even a mutated one would too.

I obviously have nothing else to offer as far as what it could be... just playing devil's advocate!
You make a very good point and at first I thought the same, perhaps a cabbage coral? But the more I thought about it, made me think of that House quote about when you hear hooves, think horses not zebras:lol:
Try looking up the pink coralline algae Lithophyllum ruptile :D

Ok you will not find any pics on the net but that is exactly what it looks like. You need Littler's Caribean Reef Plants.

I forgot, touch it with a stick to see if it is farily hard, unlike a shroom.
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Hi Everyone,

Thank you for all the interesting theories.
So this is what I did. I removed the questionable object from the rock and placed the rock back in the tank. This thing was very firm and rubbery. It actually smelled pretty bad too. The attached photo is what grew out over the past few weeks. As you may see, there are similar colored mushrooms on the rock as well. At the top-right, you can see what appears to be a mutated mushroom developing. Just wanted everyone to know and see if there were any new thoughts. Thanks again everyone!