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  1. S

    sps lighting

    The electrical costs between a 6 bulb T5 fixture and a dual 250W halide setup are about $6 dollars more a MONTH on the halides. I run a couple of fans on my tank to keep it cool and they cost me about another $3 a month. Close to nothing. Also I am only running two 55W PC lights for actinic...
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    Happy Birthday Angie!!!

    Happy Birthday Angie!!
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    610 Dead fish, found dumped in Hawaii

    I agree with Michael, it is a great tragedy but it puts us (the hobbiest) in the spotlight and things like this may cause issues for our hobby down the road. Very sad to see maybe ther should be limits on the number of fish a harvester can have at one time, I mean 610 fish is a LOT.
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    New camera..!!!!

    WOOHOOO!!! Are you going to use saltwater with that bandsaw? I have been reading that people are having problems when they do that but I wonder if they aren't cleaning them out good enough when they are done, at any rate using a bandsaw is a great way to cut corals. I used a dry cut one this...
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    sps lighting

    No I was talking about TOTM on another forum. But back on topic. I think that you could keep any Acro as long as you keep it less than 20" from the lights. Any deeper than that and they probably won't do as well as with MH.
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    sps lighting

    I have used both and I have gone BACK TO MH. I think that T5's are OK in a shallower tank but you can't get the depth penetration with them. I also do not care for the look of T5's they look too much like freswater tanks to me with T5's, I have to have the shimmer. I also don't remember any...
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    Not fighting bryopsis just looking for a cheaper alternative to the Kent that I have as it doesn't seem to raise my levels at all. I have added about 3-4 cups of it over the last two days and my mag is still only at 1150. I am looking for something to add to my calcium reactor and let it...
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    What is everyone using to raise and maintain MG? I have been using Kent Magnesium but would like to find an alternative. I am using a calcium reactor for calcium and alkalinity.
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    RO/DI solution? anyone?

    The only problem with buying water from somewhere especially a grocery store is you never know how well they maintain their systems. I am looking at getting another RO membrane to piggy back onto my setup to reduce the waste water.
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    50 gal protein skimmer?

    Agreed don't waste your money with the famous "super skimmer." Pure JUNK.
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    Where can i find an aqua c remora cup ring

    Check and see if there is an "Applied Industrial" store in your area. Also you could find O-Ring bulk at most Hydraulic repair shops. You just buy it by the foot and cut off what you need and superglue the ends together. I did this with my remora and it is still holding strong.
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    R.I.P. Willis

    Oh Charlie, SO SORRY TO HEAR THIS! I don't know what else to say you gave him a great life. It's very hard to lose a close companion. Hope your holidays are going good.
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    I would say that if your tap is 25 and your RO is 25 as well then you need a membrane.
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    Have you checked the TDS after the RO and before the DI? The DI cartridge could be so fouled that it is releasing stuff back into the water.
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    Water chemistry advice please

    The last couple of buckets of reef crystals I have had have very high alk measurements. I will do water tests on some water that I have made up right now and see what they measure this time.
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    Water chemistry advice please

    If you are using Instant Ocean reef crystals it is a possibility for it to be that high.
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    Bearing for snapper

    I would email [email protected] he can get you what you need.
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    Water chemistry advice please

    You don't need to use live sand, that is a gimmick if you are talking about the stuff that is in the bags at the LFS. Your sand will become live eventually anyway. PC lights are not very good lights for coral. As stated above you would be better off going with Metal Halide or T5 HO lights. A...
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    I would change all the filters just to be safe. If the prefilters are getting bad then they will allow chlorine thru and that will ruin your membrane. I don't think your membrane is bad probably just time for a filter change. I get about 20 TDS after my RO and then 0 after the DI.
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    funny thread at monsterfish

    That is hillarious!!