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Without metal halide lighting, just T5HO lighting at about 8 watts/gallon what sps coral will do well and which ones should a person stay away from?
Without metal halide lighting, just T5HO lighting at about 8 watts/gallon what sps coral will do well and which ones should a person stay away from?
You don't need halides but it sure does make a difference. I went from 4 96 watt pcs to 2 250 DE on a 72 bowfront and the corals and clams that I could have thrive and not just survive is totally different. Its about horse power, and a 96 or 110 watt can not have the same impact as a 250 or 400 halide. The color level, intensity, growth rates and patterns are not even on the same planet. Pc's were fine for digis, and caps, that were green and orange. Anything bright blue, bright green, bright purple or pink will not truly thrive.
You really need to decide on what level and types of sps you want. The proof is in the pictures. Check out tank of the month pics from all over the world and you will figure it out. If you are really looking to see whats best and what you like take a look at peoples tanks and what they have. Compare all the average tanks on the web or in your area and then the high level quality tanks and show me how many of them do not use halides.
There is no way people only running vho's, pc's, and t5's compared to halides have the same quality of corals and color levels. There is always a difference between average, good and elite level. Advertisers will make you think a Kia is comparable to an Audi or BMW, but take a drive and see what you find.
Again if you could truly support the best growth and color for sps with VHO's and T5's only, nobody would have halides on their tanks so there would be no support for them in the market place. But what do you see on nice mature sps tanks where there are colonies and not just tiny brown frags, halides.
Do not go cheap on your lights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Would you say that you end up paying more in terms of cost for a T5 setup than a MH in the long run?? It seems like for a large tank, you need a lot more T5 bulbs than you would for a comparable MH setup. You multiply that out each time it comes time to change the bulb and it seems pretty spendy. But correct me if I'm wrong.