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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. SaltwaterNoobs

    Pics of NW Fish Dude's Tank

    Wanted to post these up for Robert, who let me take pics of his tank before we started the fish trap workshop on the 17th. What a beautiful tank! Thanks again, Robert, for hosting the last meeting! :clap2:
  2. SaltwaterNoobs

    Not-so-mad-March Madness - 15 days of Q&A - Contest Answer Thread!!

    Ornate angelfish, Genicanthus bellus Zebra angelfish, Genicanthus caudovittatus Blackstriped angelfish, Lamarck's angelfish, Genicanthus lamarcki Spotbreast angelfish, Genicanthus melanospilos Masked angelfish, Genicanthus personatus Halfbanded angelfish, Genicanthus semicinctus Japanese...
  3. SaltwaterNoobs

    Not-so-mad-March Madness - 15 days of Q&A - Contest Answer Thread!!

    I thought the same thing, and was hesitant to post a reply simply for that fact :D Glad to see I'm not the only one who thought that number was a bit high :)
  4. SaltwaterNoobs

    Not-so-mad-March Madness - 15 days of Q&A - Contest Answer Thread!!

    I'm going to guess Acanthaster planci (Crown of Thorns starfish).
  5. SaltwaterNoobs

    March Get together/Workshop

    Count me in! :D Will it also be mandatory to wear green??? ;)
  6. SaltwaterNoobs

    January 2012 Get Together at Shawn O'donnells

    I also live in Woodinville and would be happy to help out and meet sometime if you have any questions or just wanna talk reef ^_^ Hey Todd, can we get a re-cap of the meeting and how it went for those of us who couldn't attend? I would love to know who our new sponsors are!! :D Also, will we...
  7. SaltwaterNoobs

    Swimming decorator crab

    That's pretty funny, Paul! Thanks for sharing :)
  8. SaltwaterNoobs

    January 2012 Get Together

    It looks like I will be unable to attend this get-together, unfortunately. Someone enjoy a Guinness for me :)
  9. SaltwaterNoobs

    January 2012 Get Together

    I am unfamiliar with the place Shawn O'Donnels... Where is this place located?
  10. SaltwaterNoobs

    Majano Hot Tub?

    The difference between cooking your tank vs. taking the rock out would be that you'd only be killing everything on your rock, but all the beneficial bacteria and creatures in your substrate (sand or whatever else you may have) is still alive. By cooking your entire tank, you kill EVERYTHING. I...
  11. SaltwaterNoobs

    Fried bristleworm

    :rofl: That's awesome!
  12. SaltwaterNoobs

    december meeting?

    CRAZY! :D Lorrie, I have a small green majano on one of my frags in my 2 gallon. He's all yours if you want him!
  13. SaltwaterNoobs

    where & when is the next NSR meeting

    Oh, and let me know if there's going to be another coral raffle - I have a few frags I can donate to the cause :)
  14. SaltwaterNoobs

    where & when is the next NSR meeting

    Yay!! I'll be there!!!
  15. SaltwaterNoobs

    where & when is the next NSR meeting

    I too would love a mid-November get-together. Like Dolphin, we have some holiday plans, so something in the first two weeks would be ideal, if it works for everyone else, too.
  16. SaltwaterNoobs

    Hello from Fl

    Hello!! Welcome aboard!!! :D
  17. SaltwaterNoobs

    Ok, that's aptasia, now what

    My peppermint shrimp eradicated 8 large heads of aiptasia in 2 days, and I haven't seen a new bud since. That was four months ago. The beauty of their claws is that they are small enough to pick in the tiny cracks and crevices aiptasia likes to chill in. I love peppermints ^_^