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  1. SaltwaterNoobs

    Zoas Not Growing - Please help.....

    The other thing to keep in mind is that every zoa grows at its own rate. The reason why some zoas are more expensive than others is sometimes more than just it's availability - it's because they take FOREVER to grow. I have some zoas in my tank that spread like wildfire, and others that grow...
  2. SaltwaterNoobs

    Killer Tank!

    ...Okay, crazy infant guy aside, let's get back on topic... Reena, every tank is different. I do agree with Sasquatch in regards to acclimation. He hit the nail on the head - you definitely don't want to leave your newbies in the bag for that long a period of time (1 hour). We do need a...
  3. SaltwaterNoobs

    spots on polyps

    No problem :D Another difference between palys and zoas is the stalk size. Palys have long stalks. If a zoa has a stalk, that means it needs more light, because it is reaching. Zoas in general shouldn't have any kind of stalk.
  4. SaltwaterNoobs

    spots on polyps

    Paly's usually have spots :)
  5. SaltwaterNoobs

    spots on polyps

    I would definitely suspect Zoa Pox as well. I have a lot of information on the disease, and ways to cure it. I can PM you all the info, if you'd like :)
  6. SaltwaterNoobs

    Surprise, free soft corals

    Hmmm...I'm quite stumped then! Ohhh! Maybe you have a new breed of polyps! :D You can name them something spiffy, like PB's Polyps ^_^
  7. SaltwaterNoobs

    Surprise, free soft corals

    They almost look like purple clove polyps to me in the second picture. Do they look anything like this:
  8. SaltwaterNoobs

    sand sifting star

    Little bit!! :D I hope he does well, too ^_^
  9. SaltwaterNoobs

    Tragedy: I've killed them all

    I've got lots of zoas, some montis, anthelia, kenya, and a frogspawn/hammer morph with over 15 heads I could easily break off one or two to donate to your new tank. I'm so sorry for your loss :( I nuked a 55 gallon tank a while ago - totally sucks when you've got no one to blame but yourself...
  10. SaltwaterNoobs

    sand sifting star

    Here's a pic of my star eating algae
  11. SaltwaterNoobs

    sand sifting star

    It is in a 35 gallon Hex, and it seems to favor scooting up the glass over an area with lots of algae, and expelling its stomach over it to eat it. I guess it likes the veggies, too :)
  12. SaltwaterNoobs

    sand sifting star

    I've had one for 6 months now, and he's doing great! He actually spends more time above the sand than in it O_o He even survived a salinity jump from 1.026 to 1.030. I think they're fun ^_^
  13. SaltwaterNoobs

    Getting my tank drilled...

    I had sent him a PM, but haven't heard back yet. I'll give his store a call tomorrow, see if he's in. Do you know roughly what he would charge?
  14. SaltwaterNoobs

    Getting my tank drilled...

    I'm not sure how big the hole needs to be. I've never had to put in an overflow before, so this is all 100% new to me. I honestly thought there was just one general size :-/ I figured it'd be about an inch that too small, or too large? And I don't know much about the frag swap...
  15. SaltwaterNoobs

    Getting my tank drilled...

    PM replied! :D Btw, I guess I should also add that the tank is GLASS, not acrylic, and I have no idea if it is tempered or not. We bought it years ago, before we'd intended to make it a reef tank.
  16. SaltwaterNoobs

    Getting my tank drilled...

    Not sure if this is the correct thread to post this under (and if it isn't, then whichever mod moves it, can you please let me know so I can find it again?). Was wondering if anyone knew of any place local or close to the Seattle area that drills tanks inexpensively? I have a 72 gallon and I...
  17. SaltwaterNoobs

    Vermatid snails

    Hmmm...not sure of any creature that will eat them. I just glue them closed, but I put a glob of glue on the tip of something (like maybe a toothpick) and go at it underwater fast, before the glue dries. That way I don't have to take the rock out, and I'm still covering up the snail hole...
  18. SaltwaterNoobs

    Poll: North Sound Reefers Summer BBQ

    Yes, thank you Mike for hosting the BBQ! It was a lot of fun, with a lot of great people ^_^
  19. SaltwaterNoobs

    2.5 gallon dwarf seahorse tank

    This is so very cool!!! I may have to give it a shot myself :D I have a 2.5 gallon sitting empty, staring at me... Tagging along to see your progress :)
  20. SaltwaterNoobs

    What are these polypie looking things

    Oh dear, that looks like majano to me :-/ They are considered a pest anemone. I have a few in my tank that have split maybe once, but don't cause me any trouble, so I've left them. Majano has many different forms. I would do a google image search and see if any of those pics match yours...