sand sifting star

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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2011
p-town, WA
So does anyone have any expierence with this creature? I picked one up tonight and i will be slowly acclimating it till bed time and putting it in the tank before bed! I just wanna know my chances with it! worried that there isnt enough room on my floor bed for it to "roam"! Any tips or suggestions are appreciated
I've had one for 6 months now, and he's doing great! He actually spends more time above the sand than in it o_O He even survived a salinity jump from 1.026 to 1.030. I think they're fun ^_^
It is in a 35 gallon Hex, and it seems to favor scooting up the glass over an area with lots of algae, and expelling its stomach over it to eat it. I guess it likes the veggies, too :)
Here's a pic of my star eating algae

Patrick Stomach.jpg
sweeet! I just hope he does well! Ive got a banded seaserpent in my other tank and this just seems a little diff lol!
I have 2 very large ones and have been in my tank for 2 yrs..the key is a constant salinity level..if putting in a new tank, then feed it some food under its feet until the bioload in the sand can support the feeding of starfish.
this one is 2" maybe 3" from end of leg to leg! Its now in the tank and i top off twice a day usually. It climbed the back glass and is chilling in the upper corner! He wont be dumb enough to get shredded from a korillia will he? This tank was once a 10gal and is now a say my tanks are established but idk how long! LOL
Ive got a 36bowfront too...

I will see if he eats some frozen tommorrow when i feed! Ill try and give him a piece of mysis with some tweezers!

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