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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. SaltwaterNoobs

    Pregnant Sailfin Blenny??

    One of the things I love and hate about this hobby is the surprises. Just noticed our sailfin blenny has a rather large, pregnant-looking lump. I cannot tell if it is a pregnant lump or a tumor lump. The blenny stays hidden most of the time, so I have no idea if this lump crept up over night...
  2. SaltwaterNoobs

    Help ID please. Baby Anemone?

    We have these same guys in our tank (minus the second guy, which I also agree is majano). We don't feed them, they seem to get what they need on their own. They do multiply a bit, but not as rapidly as pests. Ours have stayed on the same rock and have gone from one to seven over the course of...
  3. SaltwaterNoobs

    New to the Forum

    Hey fellow N00b! This book has been recommended by several patron reefers to me, and I think it is a perfect tool for the beginner :) Welcome to RF!
  4. SaltwaterNoobs

    New copperband died

    :( Such a pretty fish. Makes me sad to think of how many OTHER fish out there are also suffering similar injuries due to a lack of caution on the part of whoever is catching the fish.
  5. SaltwaterNoobs

    found clear molts on surface

    This has happened to us before, but they turned out to be hermit crab molts. Could that be a possibility? Do you have hermits in your tank? If not I would agree it is a pod shell. We have a few beast-size pods that could easily shed 1/2" shells.
  6. SaltwaterNoobs

    Creepy crawlers! what to do?!?

    I have a bunch of these in my tank as well. The closest I could find to identify them was glass bubble-tip anemone (don't look too much like majano in color). They don't harm my livestock in any way, and I find them quite pretty :) They also have never gotten much bigger than a penny. I...
  7. SaltwaterNoobs

    How deep?

    We have about a 2 to 2.5 inch sandbed in our 55 gallon. I would say your three inches is just fine, but I wouldn't put any more in. If you are planning on having any fish, some breeds move the sand where they want it, anyway. Our maroon clown has moved the sand out of the way of his anemone...
  8. SaltwaterNoobs

    Bleached Coral

    We had gotten live rock from another reefer who gave us a piece of bleached coral. We put it in our new tank just to see if it would come back. Weren't sure if that would work or not. We have it out of flow range and at the bottom of the tank, farthest from the light. Perhaps it will come...
  9. SaltwaterNoobs

    Bleached Coral

    Just out of curiosity, can a bleached coral "come back" to life? Like if it were in a poor tank, not receiving the proper light with bad water parameters, and it were moved to a tank with the right light and water? Or is it that once they are bleached, that's it? Just want to learn more about...
  10. SaltwaterNoobs

    Server backup

    Only a true Reef addict checks the forum from their cell :D And I thought I was the only one! :lol:
  11. SaltwaterNoobs

    Maroon Clowns Breeding

    From what I've read, maroon clowns are quite aggressive in nature, but perhaps, since all three have been in the same environment for an extended period of time, that aggression has subsided a bit for your fish. I agree with whitson and would let things play out. If there is no foul-play...
  12. SaltwaterNoobs

    We have an announcement!

    Grats to the new staffers! Although...I must admit, I thought returnofsid was already a staff member. He's always been so prompt to respond to questions, and always so helpful. He will be a great addition! Look forward to the new facelift additions :)
  13. SaltwaterNoobs

    RBTA Care

    Was wondering what light parameters are necessary for an RBTA? I keep reading that anemones in general like low light and low flow. Just wondering if that applied to RBTA's as well. We just got our 55 gallon tank up and running and properly cycled and were thinking of moving the RBTA to the...
  14. SaltwaterNoobs

    Tank glass turning green

    What livestock do you have in your tank? Are there items you got at your LFS? Another reefer? Sometimes you can get an algae problem from something as simple as a shell if it had green algae from another person's tank on it. Have you put anything new in the tank since your water change?
  15. SaltwaterNoobs

    Can too many pods be bad for my Reef???

  16. SaltwaterNoobs

    Mandarin Feeder Box Take 2

    Fantastic idea! If you go through with this, put us down for one :)
  17. SaltwaterNoobs

    Mandarin Feeding Box

    Very nice, and a great idea! :)
  18. SaltwaterNoobs

    Snail with a Snout O_o

    Yes, it's booty comes to a point :) The blurry picture comes out showing the snail as a white dot, so I felt it probably wouldn't do any good >.< So is it safe to say this guy is okay? The snout just threw me off. I thought maybe it was expelling waste or something, but when it retracted...
  19. SaltwaterNoobs

    Snail with a Snout O_o

    Just discovered a small, white-shelled snail in our cycling 55 gallon tank (must have hitch-hiked in on the liverock). Wouldn't bother me normally, but this one has a worm-like snout it keeps sticking in and out of the shell, like it's using it to sniff it's way around. I have never seen...
  20. SaltwaterNoobs

    Is this Aiptasia?

    Definitely looks like a polyp to me - I've got quite a few in my tank :) Welcome to RF!