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  1. roscoe

    Lighting idea

    Here is a couple PAR38s
  2. roscoe

    Lighting idea

    $100 a pop but he won't have to replace the bulb every year. He is looking at 7-10 years life span with the PAR38s. Do the math on replaceing 7-10 MH bulbs at 60-80 a pop x3 for 7-10 years. That is $1260/2400 - spent on replacing bulbs in that time span. And he don't even have the halide...
  3. roscoe

    Recomended lighting

    Fair enough ...... You have some good points. DR Sanjay Joshi (the lighting guru himself) 500g DT is only runnig 3 400w halides under lumen max 3 reflectors and his SPS looks great. As you already know lighting isn't everything there are other factors within your system that can dictate color...
  4. roscoe

    Lighting idea

    ^^^^^^ that is a great idea. Center your t-5 and use the PAR38s to highlight the ends. Maybe a couple nice show pieces the PAR38 can highlight.
  5. roscoe

    Magnesium and calcium reactor

    I use BW mag flakes (which are really chunks not flakes) in my calcium reactor.
  6. roscoe

    water flow

    30-40x your DT volume. So if your DT is 75g than you want 2250-3000gph. Also to these numbers are not set in stone. Your aquascape will come into play also with the water flow. Even though IMO 30-40x would be adequate but your aquascape can also dictate your flow too . So play around with what...
  7. roscoe

    water flow

    BN are fairly easy to keep. Have them in medium/high flow and light and you will be good.
  8. roscoe

    RBTA or ?

    If you want one I can refer you to my friend that has one. I believe he wants $75 for it.
  9. roscoe

    2 part supplements

    I agree with Marty how ever when you come over to pick the lights today I will also send you home with some WM 2 part that I am not using.
  10. roscoe

    Recomended lighting

    Its all good my man!
  11. roscoe

    Recomended lighting

    Well I will have to 110% disagree. Definately will NOT need 5 MH lights on a 8'x2'x2'. Like I say way over kill so are you saying that I need a 4 set up for my tank 6' tank? The 3 I have under large Lumenbrights light is already spilling out of the tank. And I do know the difference between...
  12. roscoe

    RBTA or ?

    You just got a nice pretty morph and not to many of those around. I only know of a couple reefers with that color combo around here. I was actually offered one from one of the guys that has them a couple weeks ago.
  13. roscoe

    water flow

    I wouldn't worry much about the 2 SPS. Just place them in a area where you are getting the most flow. What type of SPS is it? For a mixed reef I would do around 30-40x.
  14. roscoe

    Recomended lighting

    Depending on mount height and reflectors. I know with good reflectors such as lumenarcs and Lumenbrights just to name a couple you can get away with 4 250s 5 is over killl and a waste of energy and an extra bulb you have to replace IMO. I have 3 400 over my 6'x3'x2' tank because of how high I...
  15. roscoe

    water flow

    Holy shiz Thor!!!!!!! That is ALOT of FLOW!!!! Gotta love it! OP it all depends on what you are trying to keep. Figure out what your end result/vision is and then build around that. Such as a mixed reef which most go for or a more specialized or dominant theme system such as a softie, LPS or...
  16. roscoe

    User tips for Vortech MP40

    Having used the 20 and 40s . From my experience the 40 will suck alot of surface water/air at top speed anything higher than 5'' from the surface and you will get tons of micro bubbles from it and the 20 I wouldn't put it less than 3'' from the surface.
  17. roscoe

    6 Line Wrasse

    They can be super aggressive. When I set up my 270. I through him and some chromis in. I threw in 5 fairy wrasses a few months after that and it killed 4 of the 5 in a couple days. It then swam up to me and laughed at me! If you are planning to have other wrasses just make sure to put him in last.
  18. roscoe

    Acans changed colors?

    I had 2 of my rainbows turn almost a solid orange and red. I placed them both in the shade and the colors are slowly coming back but in some cases it never turn back to the original colors.
  19. roscoe

    Acans changed colors?

    Acans don't like much light. I have found that they show thier best color in low-medium light. Some often turn a solid orange/red color in high light.
  20. roscoe

    Fastest in wall ever

    You had a nice system goin too. I'm sure you will be back. I would like the co2 tank please.