What kind of lights would you recomend for a 8x2x2 tank in order to grom mostly all sps?
Depending on mount height and reflectors. I know with good reflectors such as lumenarcs and Lumenbrights just to name a couple you can get away with 4 250s 5 is over killl and a waste of energy and an extra bulb you have to replace IMO. I have 3 400 over my 6'x3'x2' tank because of how high I have them mounted 16'' from the water surface If my lights were lower I would use 250s. I honestly think I can get away with 2 and still have plenty of light to cover majority of the tank.
His tank is 8ft not 6, I'd agree 5 lights would be ideal even with luminarcs. Growing corals & keeping corals alive is two different things, If you want growth, then you want light, all depends on what you consider good growth & healthy corals. Also the kelvin chosen affects PPDF output, which is probably a better choice when determining what to go by.
Hello,Depending on mount height and reflectors.