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  1. roscoe

    Aptasia Problem - Not enough

    kalk paste is more cost effective than Joes juice but than I don't think any kind of mechanical/chemical approach will not rid you of aptasia. It is only a temporary fix as they will come back in full force times a million. A natural predator such as the Bergia nudibranch is the only thing I...
  2. roscoe

    36"x24"x24" NEO 90 Build

    Very nice guys!!!! I can't wait to see this get up and running!
  3. roscoe

    IceCap Vortech Battery Backup Closeout!

    That is a sweet deal! I wish I have some extra loot! Peter the battery back up switches on when it sense a power outage and keep your VT running I think for a little over 24hrs or longer if ran at lower RPM.
  4. roscoe

    Instant ocean regular Switch to intanat ocean reef

    Yeah OK.......why have the reactors then? Seems like a waste of good money to me. I admit I have used most of the other expensive salts also just out of curiosity but I really don't see any difference in water quality or even better color or growth from my corals or fish after water changes...
  5. roscoe

    Instant ocean regular Switch to intanat ocean reef

    My question is are you running a CaRx and or kalk reactor? If you are I don't see a reason why you would need to use RC. IO has been around for what 30 years. I don't understand why folks that run CaRx and or kalk reactors need to use the more expensive salts when the reactors will replensih...
  6. roscoe

    Water evaporation

    Right now with fans running on my 300+ gallon system. I'm going through my 55g barrel every 7-8 days.
  7. roscoe

    adhesive advice

    I used All Glass aquarium silicone to bond my acrylic OFB to my glass DT. I don't care what people say about acrylic doesn't bond well to glass. It was a PITA when I had to take the OFB box to relocate to the other side of the tank when my DT's bottom cracked. It took alot of yelling and cussing...
  8. roscoe

    Heating issues with my 28 gal jbj

    I havn't seen it mention yet. Your chiller could also be out of refrigerent also. Might want to check that out. If so just need to get it refilled.
  9. roscoe

    Calcium reactor

    To be honest with you. With your size tank and I'm not sure if you are SPS dominate or not. You really don't need a CaRx if you are already topping off with lime water. I did just fine with my 40b SPS dominated tank without a CaRx for 3 years just by topping off with lime water. The SPS grew...
  10. roscoe

    Calcium reactor

    You can run it without the controller but yes life will be harder. It is much safer to use a controller. I beleive someone here ran one without a controller and the outcome wasnt good. I think it was Mike (returnofsid). If it wasn't you Mike sorry:)
  11. roscoe

    Calcium reactor

    The probe adapter on the lid is an additional option one has when ordering new reactor. It is Ok if you don't have a built in probe adapter. Alot of folks running a reactor don't have that option. The alternative is what I posted earlier. Let the effluent drip into a small bowl and place your...
  12. roscoe

    Calcium reactor

    Your calcium reactor need to be feed saltwater from your aquarium and a MJ1200 is more than enough. the eheim on the reactor is the recirc pump to keep the effluent moving in the reactor.
  13. roscoe

    Calcium reactor

    Depending on the media. Some requires lower PH to melt but in the range of 6.4-6.7 is about right. If yo udon't have a built in PH probe adapter on the lid of the reactor you can always drip your effluent into a small cup with a PH probe in there to measure what your effluent PH is before it...
  14. roscoe

    Calcium reactor

    Yeah the easy part is setting it up. Dialing it in can be a little challengeing. Some reactors are better than others. The most important piece of the puzzle is your regulator. I would reccomend the regulator which I will upgrade to sometime down the road. It has a built in...
  15. roscoe

    Our finest do tthier finest :(

    OK nevermind about that incident with the girls. As we all agree that those girls deserved what was coming to them. I wouldn't fight or resist arrest that is just stupid and asking for trouble. That is what attorneys are for. How about commenting on the other 2 incident I posted. Seems like no...
  16. roscoe

    Photos/Listing of new LA shipment

    Those are some sweet SPS!
  17. roscoe

    Arrivals for 6/15

    Any acro pics?
  18. roscoe

    Best local shop for sump?

    A 50b is 36''x18''x24'' pretty close to the dimensions you are looking for but I hear ya when you need an exact dimension for what you have to work with. It is just another option to look at.
  19. roscoe

    Our finest do tthier finest :(

    Brett I understand that situation and yes I agree that girl deserved what was coming to her. Just like they took it upon themselves to fight the officer it was thier choice whether they want to take a chance at getting ran over by a car in a intersection that was known to be dangerous. If...
  20. roscoe

    Our finest do tthier finest :(

    As I stated I totally understand the officers reaction and yes he was being attacked and was warranted to do what he did. As far as my tax dollars. There are also law enforcement in my area too bro LOL. It was a general statement. Law enforcement always talk about they don't have the budget to...