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Feb 16, 2007
Wow look at what our tax dollars pay for!! I remember a past thread where people got on me about police brutality and that it doesn't happen for no reason. Well this is another great example of a classic police beating/brutality and the arrogance they have towards the public thinking that they can get away with what they do with lies to cover up one another! I'm not saying that all are like this but this stuff happens EVERYDAY. It just don't get caught on video everyday to where they can't LIE and try to cover up! The F'ed up thing is they try to lie and say that they were the one being attacked 1st. Well good thing THIER OWN cameras that was put up to monitor criminal activities were working that day!! I guess they didn't think they would catch themselves committing the crime!! Here is the link to the news story.

I am on the polices side in the one is seattel..
He was attacked and surrounded by 10 people..
One of which had a gun..
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Both were SPD incident a month apart. I completely understand that one where the officer punched the girl. On the other hand the officer should've called for back up instead of trying to handle a situation he clearly couldn't handle by himself. Perhaps a bystander had a gun. Does anyone know if he had a concealed weapons permit or not. So you can't assume just someone on the street has a gun don't mean they are not licensed to have one on them. If the person is a permit holder he is perfectly legal to have it on him. All of this for Jay Walking!!!! Our tax money is better off spent elsewhere.
in one of the videos the dude had it in his hand not in a holster
ALSO he did call for back up it as on the way..
On the Seattle incident: she attacked him first and he had to control the situation or risk being overwhelmed by the crowd and possibly killed. I would have done the same thing and I bet you would too in the officers situation. This whole thing would have gone a lot differently if they had just never resisted and attacked the officer. It probably would have ended in a warning or at worst a citation for jay walking. A number of pedestrians have been killed in that intersection doing exactly what these girls did. You are right on one thing, all this over jay walking? Yeah, an over reaction for sure but not becasue the office stopped them for doing it.
You don't have to worry about your tax dollars, you live in Puyallup :)
Also, I used to work for James Kelly at the Urban League and his turning this whole thing into a race issue makes him look like Seattle's own Al Sharpton. Nobody would give 2 poops about this if the officer were black or the kids had been white.
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As I stated I totally understand the officers reaction and yes he was being attacked and was warranted to do what he did. As far as my tax dollars. There are also law enforcement in my area too bro LOL. It was a general statement. Law enforcement always talk about they don't have the budget to fight crime but then they have the budget to assign officers to give out jay walking tickets?

So there was a guy in the video that looked like he had a gun. Again people want to assume that this person with the gun was on the side of the "bad guys". How do one know he wasn't preparing himself to protect the officer if one of them got ahold of the officers hand gun. Don't get me wrong I respect the law but it is tough for me to respect those that are out there running red lights, speeding, talking on their personal cell phone, drinking and driving and so on and so forth and then they get up in the morning and put on thier uniform and give out tickets to people like you and me when they are just as guilty!!!!

What about the officer that kicked the guy in the face and the woman officer that wanted to feel all mighty that came over and stomp on the guys leg? After they did all that they found out they got the wrong guy and lets not mention the threat the officer imposed on the innocent man. They didn't even call a medic for the guy or even an apology! Each and every single one of those officers that was on the scene that heard that officers outburst should be repremanded for not pulling thier colleauge aside and tell him that was not right what he said and did. So to me those officers are just as guilty as the one doing the kicking because it is obviously they condone that type of behavior.

I'm not going to touch the race card but hey the other video can clear the air up a bit about that.

What about the kid that got beat down by those officers after the basketball game?
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Ya want equal rights, you receive equal responsibilities. Thats not even a race thing. I'm talking gender.

This police officer gave her SPECIAL treatment. Had those been two adult males he would have drawn his weapon and fired. I would have! If I am an arresting officer without backup and another suspect attacks me during an arrest, I would feel that my life is in danger too. Especially with the crowd quickly surrounding.

Remember the king county sheriff who had his gun wrestled away from him? The cop was familiar with the suspect, and his mental illness. The cop decided to gain control of the hostile situation without his weapon, and the suspect grabbed the officers weapon from the holster and unloaded the whole clip into the head of that sheriff, right in the middle of the street.

I think the reason she was stopped for jaywalking is because it's especially dangerous there. Also, I think the light rail passes through there at street level too. I could be wrong.

All I know is this, she should be thanking him for her life. Never should anyone attack an arresting officer, or officer period! PERIOD! As for backup, think about it.

Back in the day before everyone had a hard on for the police they would run! Do that! If you think you are the victim and in the wrong, run. Your going to jail either way right? Don't attack the cop because he might blow your head off. This bitch is lucky he didn't Especially with our cop killing Washington State culture.
Brett I understand that situation and yes I agree that girl deserved what was coming to her. Just like they took it upon themselves to fight the officer it was thier choice whether they want to take a chance at getting ran over by a car in a intersection that was known to be dangerous. If someone want to put their lives in danger. Well that is on them.

What about the other 2 links? The video with the horses where the kid got beat down and then they tried to lie that they were being attacked 1st. If it wasn't for that video they would've gotten away with their lies and cover up. Perfect example of what goes on internally. The way they was beating that man was cruel and savagry because that is how they would describe that type of beating if it was a group of people beating on a man like that with billy clubs. So how come they can beat a person to a pulp and not be considered savges. That man was not fighting back and yet the swings just kept coming!
I'd really love to join in and bash (pun intended) these girls and their actions, but I'll refrain...or is that, "frain" since I'd have to frain once before refraining???!
OK nevermind about that incident with the girls. As we all agree that those girls deserved what was coming to them. I wouldn't fight or resist arrest that is just stupid and asking for trouble. That is what attorneys are for.

How about commenting on the other 2 incident I posted. Seems like no one want to touch those story. How do you explain thier actions and lies to cover up? I guess we should just turn our nose the other way huh since they are officers beating on a civilian? So that makes it OK because they are in uniform?

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