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  1. Mopar Reefer

    Nano Skimmer

    Thanks for the info guys. Anybody got a nano skimmer for sale :)
  2. Mopar Reefer

    Hair Algae

    ^^^^Agreed use RO/DI water and weekly water changes will hep!
  3. Mopar Reefer

    Which nano would you buy?

    I'm a fan of the Aquapod 24, thanks to the Allen family. The sunpod 150W is the way to go, plus the aftermarket for accessories on the AP 24 is decent.
  4. Mopar Reefer

    Hair Algae

    CUC's are only a temp fix, you need to find out where the excess nutrients are coming from. A phosphate reactor will do wonders, are you using tap water or RO/DI water?
  5. Mopar Reefer

    Good cheap mixing container for salt.

    I use a 37 gal rubbermaid container I bought at Home Depot and have not had any problems, works like a champ! It was on sale less than $20 bucks.
  6. Mopar Reefer

    Nano Skimmer

    Yeah, its a aquapod!
  7. Mopar Reefer

    Nano Skimmer

    I've got a 24 gal nano and am looking for a skimmer so... what's the best skimmer for a nano. Can be a HOB or fit in the back dept, doesnt matter. :confused:
  8. Mopar Reefer

    How To Eliminate Aiptasia Anemones

    +1^^^^^^ Used it and have yet to have any more problems, (knocking on wood)
  9. Mopar Reefer

    look at this zoos aren't they cute???:p

    I think they are called Super greens? Someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
  10. Mopar Reefer

    Coral Beauty

    Ooops its was great value brand. Got to save money some how between cars and fish, :)
  11. Mopar Reefer

    Coral Beauty

    I put broccoli on a veggie clip along with some nori and my CB goes crazy. Something to try. My 6 line wrasse also enjoys it!
  12. Mopar Reefer

    salinity level and evaporation

    Problems will happen and when they do this board is full of guys/gals who have been reefing for years to help you out.
  13. Mopar Reefer

    salinity level and evaporation

    Na, that little difference will not be a big deal, just before you add fish make sure you get in the 1.026 range your fish will thank you. Patience is key in saltwater tanks. Nothing good happens overnight in a reef tank.
  14. Mopar Reefer

    salinity level and evaporation

    Maybe I missed it but is your tank going to be a FOWLR or reef set-up. If its a FOWLR you can run a little lower salinty lvl, around 1.022, but with a reef you want to shoot for 1.025-1.026 as was said earlier. Congrads on having your 1st saltwater tank.
  15. Mopar Reefer

    My 24 gallon horrible tank

    Do you have a heater? Maybe it could be leaking into your tank? Stray Voltage? Was copper ever used in the tank?
  16. Mopar Reefer

    My first Anemone.

    Sounds like quite the ride, so much excitment that it had to split to do it again, :)
  17. Mopar Reefer

    My first Anemone.

    How did it get into the fuge ?
  18. Mopar Reefer

    GSP Elimination

    I'm getting little "blooms" of GSP in my tank, and this is a coral I do not want, at this time. Heard something about injecting it with lime juice?? What works? Thanks in advance.
  19. Mopar Reefer

    Just bought some new zoa's

    Sweet looking zoa's
  20. Mopar Reefer

    I'm so tempted!!!

    Very nice coral but thats crazy money, I can get Mopar parts cheaper than that ;)