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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. vwmoneypit

    How far have u went to keep out heat.

    So i decided to get up early and DO the "project" ..So what I did is I got a 65 sqr ft bathroom fan and installed it right above the tank..l.o.l. I then I am going to icoboard around the top of the tank to keep the radiant heat and light expousure out.allread toasted the nice blind off to the...
  2. vwmoneypit

    Car traded for a reef setup?

    Hey guys !How many of u have heard of people selling cars that were traded for a reef set up or visa versa.I am looking for someone who want to trade me a vw mk3-4 golf for my setup..Why u ask?Welp I met my sister this year for the first time,I need to see her more often And my golf is a 85...
  3. vwmoneypit

    June SRS Meeting - Frag Swap!

    ohhh boy cant wait!
  4. vwmoneypit

    what makes KH drop quickly?

    yep just went through that ..Dont take much off the scale b4 u see a change and do something.I lost half my hammer! .How old is the tank ?
  5. vwmoneypit

    HHHHeeeeeyyyyyyy What's That!! EEEWW!

    yep thats what i would say.But in the world of creepy crawly things the brighter the more poison ish!But he will enjoy the toilet i guess?SOme will be mad at u I am sure!Better not tell of the mean phsyco angel I had l.o.l. cost me 300 dollars.They may have met in toilet heaven lmao!
  6. vwmoneypit

    Need Some advice here!

    well guys when I checked it last week the alk was low the calc was ehh a dab off and the mag was close.But then this week the mg was low again.Welp I have to get a new test kit this one is all gone so later this week I will get the test scores for yeah.But at this point I hope they are...
  7. vwmoneypit

    Need Some advice here!

    SO it was at 1080ppm and I buffed it back to 1350ppm now it was back to the same a week or 2 later?I buffed the calc too to balance it I am at a loss..?
  8. vwmoneypit

    Need Some advice here!

    Welp I have had a change to a different salt mix and since then I have been fighting a mag problem wich by most standard throws the hole thing into wack!So I tried some store mag from barbs !well that is all I have to say about that but FOr a Fix I ended up getting epsom salt to try to correct...
  9. vwmoneypit

    HI everyone! :) i Need your help with my overflow...

    Yep since u are this far u might as well do this cl setup now !U are doing sps?Then it is worth it at this point and if u dont have the anti siphon t in there u will lose 40-60% flo-rate!
  10. vwmoneypit

    Spokane Newbie to the Saltwater World

    Hello welcome to the site of all dreams in the salty world!l.o.l.Welp U have some good things on here to start.I would definatly start a below sump/refuge.I have had one from the get go.Just remember Nitrate nitrites and amonia at this point and the rock per gal/pound bit!I have plenty of grass...
  11. vwmoneypit

    PFO vs. Orbitec lawsuit is over

    Welp from what I have heard in the past at this point it will sit as a non judgement file.And not be pushed forward unless one or the other from the case sides deside to do something.And in this case unless he can find a freelance lawyer to help.God if I was one this would be a case I would...
  12. vwmoneypit

    PFO vs. Orbitec lawsuit is over

    We all must remember this is how some of the best become just another big corp!Look at the little fry's that have dissapeared.This is just buisness.Look at the auto indst.U make a car Goes well for about 5 yrs.Another comp comes in say's hey u are a threat.Merge or die!That is as Elementry as it...
  13. vwmoneypit

    shout from the locals

    Ohhh come on we just got a skiff of snow this year ...NO NO really .But I guess that hailing gun fire and road side bombs are allot warmer than snow riddled.Moronic driving spokanites....Ha might actually be safer ....
  14. vwmoneypit

    Help me understand

    well an update ..I see a inprovement today some of the other species of kenia are opening up alittle at a time..I dont se any change in the hammer (this is good ?)So at this point I will leave it to the salt change being it the cause ...I hate to say it but I want to go back to oceanic now just...
  15. vwmoneypit

    pump for a simple closed loop

    I would agree at this point it cant hurt:rolleyes:
  16. vwmoneypit

    Mouse's 125 peninsula dream + 2

    great man came out looking sweet
  17. vwmoneypit

    Upcoming Congressional decision could put a stop to our hobby

    This is exactly what I was going to say right there ..This happens soo much it isnt funnnny ,I call it the damnit give me the pen and leave me alone method..It works I have read about some past auto laws that were passed in a emissions law that had nothing to do with the actual car safety law...
  18. vwmoneypit

    Help me understand

    HMM?Will have to watch the fish bit ...But I moved it away from that spot into alitle better flow as well Seems to be fine at this point.I have not seen anymore loss at this time..I did a 5 gal then a week later a 8 gal ANd this week a 30 gal..I did u oceanic for 4 yrs w/o a hitch..I just...
  19. vwmoneypit

    Help me understand

    Yeah I think I may need to move it ?But that is the wonder of these corals happy one minute and the next mad and dying of first thing to die in 3 yrs grrrr!
  20. vwmoneypit

    Help me understand

    I am thinking coral warefare u know the more I look at it ???I will do pics tommorow ,I did a 30gal waterchange today!The only thing is the base tissue maybe it will come back ..(false hope)lmao!!!