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one larg lps
Dec 20, 2005
spokane w.a
Welp I have had a change to a different salt mix and since then I have been fighting a mag problem wich by most standard throws the hole thing into wack!So I tried some store mag from barbs !well that is all I have to say about that but FOr a Fix I ended up getting epsom salt to try to correct it!Well I did what I was suppose to from the certain amount aday to the amount needed to fix it!Using the reef chemistry calculator.And I just checked it after a weekend and bam like I never touched It!My tester is good till 2011 so what is up should I do a large water change ? 40-60%?I wish I had the monet to just chuck the salt and go back to Oceanic!But here we are what is your opinion?
SO it was at 1080ppm and I buffed it back to 1350ppm now it was back to the same a week or 2 later?I buffed the calc too to balance it I am at a loss..?
What about your alkalinity? Where's it been at? All three are interelated, so if one goes whack usually the other two are not far behind. Give us some readings.
9 out of 10 time Mg issues are a testing issue. The easiest way to deal with Mg is balanced water changes with Mg on the higher end of the scale. This way there is room for normal depltion between water changes. Rapid depletion may just be precipitation and or dosing method.

well guys when I checked it last week the alk was low the calc was ehh a dab off and the mag was close.But then this week the mg was low again.Welp I have to get a new test kit this one is all gone so later this week I will get the test scores for yeah.But at this point I hope they are leveling..I have had them start to adj back alittle not such big drops,A big part was the salt change and a lack of water changes due to some out of my hand things this winter!But will keep u posted!Thanks

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