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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. vwmoneypit

    1000 Gallon

    why two small and not one ext large one?just wondering
  2. vwmoneypit

    hey guys need help here !!!please

    So i have a need for cash something the wife says about bills who knew.:lol: well i am waiting for this job to start basically like going on the fbi but longer proccesse ....So low on cash .If anybody knows some one who is looking for a good driver/toy I am selling my jeep cherokee sweet lift...
  3. vwmoneypit

    Hot Tub jets

    i would think if they were to be used to adj to a special seting it would work ...but yeah keep us posted most of those pumps push 3000 gallons a minute in the bigger hot tubs...BUT it u can get your hands on the 3/4 inch back messag jet for the recliner seats these would have to work ,just be...
  4. vwmoneypit

    Tank Trim

    kurt nelson ?not the owner of nelsons towing is it ! And yes i agree the trim is to provide the glass a place to rest when flexing..But if u feel the need to remove it go get some glass cut for the corners and for another brace and for the bottom and for the bottom corners ect. ect. get my...
  5. vwmoneypit

    cycling a tank

    ewhh thats a new topic
  6. vwmoneypit

    1000 Gallon

    wow lets hope nobody skipped on the footing from the house to the gerage floor ??? looks good figure out the water flo set up yet, keep us posted ..i bet u didnt sleep worth the darn last night huh ......
  7. vwmoneypit

    Start a Want Be Buy Forum!

    I have to agree i have made good deals on here at the same time had sold things cheap and traded as well,but at the subject above i believe we need to remind people no to be so post happy,not to dis from being here but to look harder like seeing for sale skimmer fits 110 gal.......followed up...
  8. vwmoneypit

    1000 Gallon

    It just sounds to me like the guy cheese has slid off his cracker ..I hate ti defend the guy but we dont know the hole story up there eay.But dont get me wrong this behavior is b.s. to do to someone .But he could be going thru a split or a move something either way i bet the tank shows with none...
  9. vwmoneypit

    1000 Gallon

    dude that suck been there got my money back and they were reported and showed it too!well hope it all gets done
  10. vwmoneypit

    1000 Gallon

    on board watching this o.m.g. If this was a reef tank it would be sickk but still enjoy a eatacatasharkus! l.o.l. Hell If I had that and the suby I would be broke! ENJOY !!!!
  11. vwmoneypit

    the neverending Salt topic

    I have been using oceanic for 3 yrs but I like the LOOK and the Results of a tanks using Instant Ocean so After This Bucket I am GOING TO IT !
  12. vwmoneypit

    My Lifetime Dream from Clear Fabfications

    That thread was worth every bit ,congrats and Jason's work I have seen in person wow too Good Congrats hope all is doing well !
  13. vwmoneypit

    Best item for a tank

    yep i will take 2 let us know so we can help the pr skills i will take it to the next reef meeting!
  14. vwmoneypit

    Anemone help

    or trade ?
  15. vwmoneypit

    Anemone help

    one carpet for sale!
  16. vwmoneypit

    55-Gal In Progress (1 MB of Pictures)

    sorry guys KID was in here messing around likes looking at other tanks
  17. vwmoneypit

    I got a spotted mandarin is my tank enough?

    damit you got me /\em tog uoy timad
  18. vwmoneypit

    I got a spotted mandarin is my tank enough?

    Hey Guys Dont Mean To Butt In But What Are They Called In The Bottle That Is/ I Should Seed Mine Some More Cant Over Do It Right? Pm Me About It Dont Want To Take Thread !ohh Good Luck On The Little Bugger
  19. vwmoneypit

    why is god torturing me?

    Hey Listen To Me And Do It Now ...i Have Had At One Time A Steady Job, Paid Well Very Well For My Age Which At Time I Was 20 Ish! I Had A Girl Friend That Looked Just Like The Main Girl In Hugh Heffners House And A 2 Bed House And A Sweet Vdub ...little Behold The House Burnt Down She Left Said...