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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. steven11

    No more conflicts of interest!

    Ouch, dont even have a tank right now and still getting burned. Overstock and overfeed is all perspective. And one day grasshoper, you will master this. I think I kept your stock list plus a couple more in my 75 with no problems for over two years and all leaving my care very healthy. You sir...
  2. steven11

    BCT182 is gonna be a father!

    Mike! I told you not to say anything! Brett, I am very happy for you and Roach.
  3. steven11

    *sigh* 2 more officers shot this morning in Eatonville....

    These are the same category to you? You have got to be kidding me. Thanks for proving my point, you have no respect. Just like you have for Brie when you first opened your mouth. There is a time and a place for your discussion, this is niether.
  4. steven11

    *sigh* 2 more officers shot this morning in Eatonville....

    Really? Badley mistaken again Roscoe.
  5. steven11

    *sigh* 2 more officers shot this morning in Eatonville....

    Are you kidding me? Lets see who you call when a drug deal gone bad happens in your house were your wife and kids are. Dont BS me and act like some abused kid who gets messed with on the way to school. It doenst happen like that and saying it just makes you look stupid. It is a choice, a choice...
  6. steven11

    *sigh* 2 more officers shot this morning in Eatonville....

    Roscoe, innocent people die every day. It is a part of life. But police officers and soldiers put themselves in harms way to keep you and your family safe. I have seen these kind of comments all over news article blogs and personally think they are a joke and complete BS. Even had a lengthy...
  7. steven11

    270G begining...

    Do you still have the blue milli that you got from me?
  8. steven11

    270G begining...

    Amazing looking tank Thang. Makes me want to start one again. I like everything about how it looks(rock work, furniture, coral selection, fish selection),very nice! The only thing you are missing is a leopard wrasse...
  9. steven11

    No more conflicts of interest!

    wheres the pics Brett. I wanna see that naturaly planted tank...
  10. steven11

    Support our Troops

    I myself never served but have always had the most respect for those that have and are currently. I will be wearing red this Friday. Thanks for sharing Paul.
  11. steven11

    xbox 360 live handle

    WARxLoRd 11 Better watch out if you see me and my crew on COD.
  12. steven11

    Yo son, we fishin tonight?

    Yo son, we fishin tonight?
  13. steven11

    Please help!!!!!

    Want to see my clam???? Its hot!
  14. steven11

    Please help!!!!!

    WHAT!!!!! I cant let that happen since I dont think you have ever let one of my "important" threads stay on track... How about them Seahawks?
  15. steven11

    Please help!!!!!

    Ignoring me? Wife must have said no!
  16. steven11

    Please help!!!!!

    We fishing tonight or what?
  17. steven11

    Please help!!!!!

    Next 3-4 years? Try life.... I'm gonna keep it to show your kids!!!!!!
  18. steven11

    Please help!!!!!

    I'm gonna have to have a talk with Roach about your secret crush on my mom.
  19. steven11

    Please help!!!!!

    I might count for quite a few of her views though. I didint get the first 5 seconds of her video, so I had to watch it over and over and over again!!!!
  20. steven11

    Please help!!!!!

    LOL, I cant stop laughing.