My wife and I are going to be having our first baby! Life is a changin.
I don't know anything about kids but I'm not too worried, so its all good!
Congrads Brett, who's the father?
Congrads Brett, who's the father?
They let you reproduce??LOL
Congrats buddy..
LOL@ Who's the father!!..Congrats man...You will do fine!!
Congrats! Brett I think you will love it ! They are a bunch of fun for the most part LOL
Congrats bro!!! Mines is due to come any day now!
It's a great ride! But, it's been hard to balance parenting and a kid. I was just getting a new set-up going when my daughter was born. That lasted about 5-6 months. I stopped being able to do PSAS meetings and upkeep. I had crappy equipment so it took a LOT of maintenance. Now, I'm starting again and sure enough we're having another kid!
This time it's better equipment, low maintenance, and moving to more automation. That's all kind of standard now anyway. I can't remember if I read that you had a tank going now or not, but if so something low maintenance is key! The recent interest in softies is great for that.
Cheers, Josh
Brett, Congratulations to you and your wife!! That's awesome!!! As far as not knowing anything about it, no worries. None of us do, until our first!!!
Congrats, we might convert you to a nice guy after all, amazing how a child can change a person!!
I say that in a nice way.
Congrats dude! Kids are the best thing ever.
Good for you and dont worry I feel like I still dont know anything and she just turned 4.
Oh man I thought you were leaving your wife for me!:evil:.
Congrats Dude! Life will b achangin'!......................... FOR THE BETTER!
Congrats dood !!
i hope you're getting ready for the sleepless nights
congrats! now you can use these instructions