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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. baseballkid5

    Arrivals 1/11-1/15

    Cy, when is the next shipment of Seahares coming? I need one and missed your last ones. The sea hares before were like the size of a quarter to small. And your last ones were like Baseball size kind of Big. I should have just bought either one now that i dont have one. When they come in ill take...
  2. baseballkid5

    55 gal build 2 years in the making

    I would put the Powerheads on the back of the tank and point them towards the side of the tank. This creates a very Nice Current. And Usually Will not be a Problem when you start putting Corals in the tank. Just creates more of a Diverse flow. It will help also if you have 1 of the Powerheads up...
  3. baseballkid5

    Rock in fuge question.

    I have about 20lbs of rock in my Fuge. I take everything out and put in buckets and use a Shop Vac to take out all the Detritus and im sure some other stuff. But when i put everthing back with the calurpa and chateo and other algaes i get very good growth. Im trimming pretty much 1-2 times a...
  4. baseballkid5

    Wondering 2 Vortech Mp 20's or 1 Mp 40?

    Im debating on getting 1 Vortech Mp40 or Getting 2 Mp 20's. They will be on a Standard 75 Gallon Softy tank. I would put the 2 Mp20's on opposite ends of the tank or Obviously put the Mp 40 On 1 side. I have 2 K4's right now on the Back wall pointing at the sides of the Glass and it creates nice...
  5. baseballkid5

    Arrivals 1/7-1/8

    How big are the Seahares?
  6. baseballkid5

    Black spots on Clownfish

    Mine have the same spots on them. My guess is some kind of coral burn? Mine are almost always in there Rbta but there are some yellow star polyps by the rbta that im sure they rub against. Im curious to see what answers you get.
  7. baseballkid5

    Any Reason to Run the Chiller in the Winter?

    I have a Chiller set up and ive been running it for over a year. It still kicks on when the temp get to 80. It stays between 76-79 with the chiller coming on when needed. Im wondering if there is any ill effects of just turning it off and letting it go without the chiller till spring/summer? Is...
  8. baseballkid5

    Blue Jaw Trigger With Puffy White eye? Help ID Please?

    Id just like to thnk everyone who has responded. I Put him in a hospital tank and have been keeping up with a 10 percent water change every other day. His Eye has slowly came down and im thinking within a few days should be back to the Reef. I used a couple different products. The Gel Tek being...
  9. baseballkid5

    Finally doing it right from the begining :)

    What kind of Skimmer and Pump?
  10. baseballkid5

    Blue Jaw Trigger With Puffy White eye? Help ID Please?

    Thank you for the replies. Im trying to set up a hospital tank. Need to find a hang on filter and ive been trying to get him caught not easy to say the least. Before you responded Lee i bought a product called Tetracycline im soaking the food in the product for a 1/2 hr or so and feeding hes...
  11. baseballkid5

    Blue Jaw Trigger With Puffy White eye? Help ID Please?

    Thanks for the thread. Im gonna take my water in to have it checked maybe the tests are not right. Elos tests arent known for being bad but you never know. And im gonna do a 25% water change Try to clean up some of the detritus in the fuge and see how it goes.
  12. baseballkid5

    Blue Jaw Trigger With Puffy White eye? Help ID Please?

    I do not have a hospital tank set up. I might be able to start one. Catching the Fish will be the Last resort if at all possible.
  13. baseballkid5

    Blue Jaw Trigger With Puffy White eye? Help ID Please?

    I have a 75 Gallon Reef tank set up with A blue Jaw Trigger. I have had him in this tank for over 1 and a half years. and have never had or seen any problems with him or any other fish in my system. Within the last 2-3 days his eye became a little Lighter and today his eye is very Puffy and...
  14. baseballkid5

    Scotts mixed reef.Suggestions?

    More Pics!! Any comments or questions appreciated. Happy Reefing Scott
  15. baseballkid5

    Scotts mixed reef.Suggestions?

    Updated Tank Pics and Misc Some updated Pics and stuff. Ive added a few small guys to the tank. A nice Leopard Wrasse, Copperband who Loves Aptasia,Yellow watchman Goby. And i put in 1 pistol shrimp and somehow ive got 2 now living under the same rock with the Goby pretty sweet! I also put in...
  16. baseballkid5

    You didnt get back to me on the Zenia?

    You didnt get back to me on the Zenia?
  17. baseballkid5

    need help/advice on lighting t5 vs vho

    T5s are a better more intense light. You could have T5s alone for Most Soft coral. Some Sps Higher up in the tank. But with a Metal Halide I would go with T5s Nicer Color Effect my 2C.
  18. baseballkid5

    What price Tridacna squamosa Clam Blue spot

    You could sell it for whatever someones willing to play.
  19. baseballkid5

    NEW Corals 7/20

    I target feed all acans Mysis Rods and Mix of Coral Frenzy. 3 times a week.
  20. baseballkid5

    NEW Corals 7/20

    I love mine. Its Grown Pretty Fast in my Opinion.