Get a Valve for the Air tube and adjust it should calm the noise down the valve it comes with is a pos. That might help I had one on a 20 gallon Reef for 4 months it did better than nothing. But definetly upgrade it if possible.
I seen this worm looking thing attached to a rock and extended like 3-4 inches into the sand he looked like he was Translucent and i could see him sucking stuff through his Long Tube i guess ill call it a tube. Is this something i should try to remove or just leave what the heck is it.Any help...
I just picked this Up yesterday has one Full head One small head thats starting to pop up and the half that was fragged and has to heal. Anyone out there with pics of there rainbow would like a few styles to see what other kinds are out there.Thanks
New Sites are available feel free to Join Them. Find me an Informative site Locally That doesnt have a for sale/ Trade Forum. Last why would this Bug you?Theres plenty of other things on this site to not visit the sale/trade forums. Why Close them what positive would be done?. Start your own...
With those Pics i cant see how you could think he was starving. Especially knowing none of the tank Params.JMO My Mandarin changes color at night when Lights come on hes out and color returns quickly.
I bought it Yesterday for $60 I didnt now exactly what it was but ive only seen them ay Barrier. I know they usually sell for more than that. So i figured id take a chance.Its Opened right up and It seems like its Happy But well see how it goes in the coming Days.
I was told this was an Elegance Coral from Australia But am not sure anyone Know? Looks to have 3 mouths if so what do you feed them and how often?I put him on the Bottom of the tank where there is good flow if that helps any.
Thanks For any input
I just Bought a Calcium Reactor But have no idea how to set it up. If anyone is in the Renton Area that could help me out would be greatly appreciated. Willing to pay and provide some cold beverages! Its a Corallife Reactor with Milwaukee regulator. All i need is to get the right Media. It will...
I have 6 bulb 48" T5. And i do not dose anything. I just change water and all my tests have been normal from Barrier as well as my own testing. And for light they are closer to the bottom then the top. The lights are 2 months old.
I dont think so. I tested my cal and alk last night and everything seemed normal.I have to test Mag havent done that yet.Is the i believe Alk 950 i test with Elos and it took 18 drops and almost changed color with one more it changed completely thats why i wrote 900-950.
One other thing is as you can see in one of the pics i have a green cap and its turning white in the middle is that bleaching and if so how can that be stopped.