I have a 20H AGA wannabe reef tank. I have about 15# of live rock with lots of pods and two small maroon clowns. I also have five hermit crabs, two tiger snails, and just purchased a colony of zoas from an LFS last Sunday. I have a Seaclone 100 that I ran on the tank for a couple of days. I turned it off today because it was h&!!a noisy and it was not producing anything except for lots of fine bubbles. Does this mean that my nutrient level in the tank is low or close to nil? I know that the Seaclone has been dissed as one of those P.O.S. (point of sale? :lol
skimmers. I think of myself as an overfeeder so for the skimmer to produce no skimmate is puzzling to me. There is foam but there is not enough to overflow into the collection cup. The cup remains dry..... I don't want to turn the skimmer on again - it's a dadgum noise factory - but now that I am starting to acquire some corals, I would like to keep the water quality good without resorting to a crazy water change routine. Any suggestions on a nano skimmer? I am upgrading to a 40 breeder as soon an I get a stand for it. Waiting for an anniversary sale at an LFS this April to acquire one, and maybe some other equipment. Thanks for the help!