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  1. blk822822

    Hosting clown fish with anemones

    My clowns hosted with a torch coral and ignored my RBTA. I finally moved the trch down on the sand and they started to notice the nem. I moved the torch back and they went right into the torch. My RBTA moved one day higher in the tank and all of a sudden one clown went into it. Now they both...
  2. blk822822

    Harlequin shrimp compatibility?

    Well harlequin shrimp need star fish to eat. I have a Blood red shrimp, a Cleaner shrimp, and 5 peppermint shrimp all living good together. But I have asteria star fish in my tank I can have a harlequin shrimp eat.
  3. blk822822

    Anemone nuking?

    I have a 100gal tank ,mixed reef, with a RBTA ,2 clowns, 3 mini maxi anemones, several SPS, Zoas, mushrooms, Softies, GSP, lots of other corals, tangs, inverts,a clam......what ever . All under T5's, doing great all I have lost to nems is a sea hair. But you need to have good bulbs and flow, and...
  4. blk822822

    HELLO!! - New to WA

    Yea summer will be back 9
  5. blk822822

    HELLO!! - New to WA

    Hey welcome I to moved from California to Buckley.....was a little bit of a shock and had to learn to slow down a bit. I live not far from there now.. Can't wait to see your tank build. Lots of great people on here.
  6. blk822822

    To all Zoa/Paly keepers

    I don't do anything special....I still have some melt once and awhile. I have some pink zoas and some gobbstoppers that are kinda melted but are making a come back. They start looking good then looking bad , then good again, time will tell. Heres some dragon eyes. more Theres watermelons...
  7. blk822822

    To all Zoa/Paly keepers

    Nana your zoas are really nice I would love to have some of those growing like that. Very nice.
  8. blk822822

    To all Zoa/Paly keepers

    I've been doing this for awhile and the zoas that really like to stay and grow in my tank are watermelons, nuclear green dragon eyes( I have several colonies over 50 polyps), and pink and golds. But lately my magicians are really taking off and so are my eagle eyes. Both were 2 polyp frags and...
  9. blk822822

    Sea hare

    Sea Hare didn't last today I found it dead lying next to a mini maxi anemone..........was just starting to put out some ink or black stuff so it got pulled and flushed. He was a cool slug. I guess I'll just have to take the tank apart and scrub the rock. Part of the hobby I guess....
  10. blk822822

    Ultra Algae X Question.

    This stuff didn't work. Now that I did a water change and put GFO and Carbon back on line and have started to increase my light cycle , 14" purple monti has died off to about 1/5 its size and continuing. My Hydonphora is dieng of and I have had it for a couple years now. All acros are dark in...
  11. blk822822

    Jesse_Emel's Oceanic Biocube 29 Gallon

    When it was wet in the first pic it looked like a zoa spider. But the last pic its green and more crab shaped and not so much like the zoa spiders. Heres a zoa spider
  12. blk822822

    Sea hare

    Funny thing is I have red leg hermits , lawnmower blenny, Sail fin tang , foxface and a sea hair now. I have a torch coral my two clowns host and that's where the algae is, under the torch, and around it. My clowns chase everything away. I moved the torch and one of my clowns went to the RBTA I...
  13. blk822822

    Sea hare

    Where"s the cheapest place to get a sea hair???? I have been trying the new Fauna Marin Ultra algae X to rid my tank of Hair algae and bryopsis. I had the bryopsis almost under control by plucking it out, but then the hair algae started to grow. I found the source of nutrients in my refuge. The...
  14. blk822822

    How to keep turbo snails alive?

    Are you acclimating your critters befor putting them in the tank?
  15. blk822822

    Please help identify!

    Looks a chiton.........
  16. blk822822

    Ultra Algae X Question.

    Hope that bottle lasts that long....but ok. Thanks for the info.
  17. blk822822

    Ultra Algae X Question.

    I got a large bottle from your store the other day and am on my second dose or day 5, will dose again tomorrow. I was wondering if you know how long it takes befor seeing any results??????? I have hair algae and Bryopsis I'm trying to get rid of. And will it kill my chateo?
  18. blk822822

    flea infestation and wify is not happy please help

    I always use advantage on our cats and great then , vac vac vac vacuum the carpet everyday. The fleas will find there way onto the cat and die. Always worked for us. I may try the powder thing next time to see if it will save some money over the advantage. But the advantage works...
  19. blk822822

    Fauna Marin Ultra Algae X

    I got some of this stuff to treat bryopsis and hair algae in my tank. I know stop the food source and the algae will go away......But thats not working. I have tried the Kent Tech-M and it didn't work. And My hair algae is around an anemone and the torch my clowns are hosting and they won't let...
  20. blk822822

    Softy Question

    Yea thats all I can figure. I though they would be compatiable but I guess not. I really want the toad stool to grow. I'll move it and see if it gets happy. I've had it sence the Bob Moore swap and it should have shown some sign of growth by now.