flea infestation and wify is not happy please help

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2012
so ive read all the other threads on here and understand i cant bomb the house. so im sure others have had this problem what products did you use and how was it applied and any other tips would be awesome. i have treated the cat! but it was like a switch was turned on like overnight the house is infested. please help what have you guys done to get rid of these lil vampires. thnx
There is a powder you can use. cover your tank with something then powder the carpet.
you should be able to find it at any pet store. Yeah, you are not going to be able to use any kind of bomb type pesticide with the tank.
I am pretty sure you can also steam clean all cloth areas. The high temp will kill the eggs. follow up with a good vac.

I read this "Somewhere" You know what they say about every thing you read.
Made sense to me
I am pretty sure you can also steam clean all cloth areas. The high temp will kill the eggs. follow up with a good vac.

I read this "Somewhere" You know what they say about every thing you read.
Made sense to me

I know this is how you treat for Lice but never heard it used for fleas.

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When my son was a carpet crawler and I had my first reef tank we had catastrophic flea issues in an apartment we were renting. So bad that when you were in the bathroom about 20 fleas would jump on you every morning. We pulled the bath carpets and wet towel off the floor every morning, put regular off the shelf salt on the carpets in the rest of the house and vacuumed every day and believe it or not put a bowl of water and dish soap in front of a night light every night.

Within a week things were getting better and over a month they were gone. Mortons salt, dish soap, a night light and a bit of diligence will get rid of them very cheaply.
There is a powder you can use. cover your tank with something then powder the carpet.
you should be able to find it at any pet store. Yeah, you are not going to be able to use any kind of bomb type pesticide with the tank.

Borax works as well in this way. It dries them out killing them that way, I have used it and it works plus is really safe compared to some of whats out there
I also say Borax I had to use it when I moved into a rental house that had dogs before I moved in. I took all bedding to the laundromat and when I left the house I sprinkled Borax over the bare mattresses, couches, and all carpeted areas. Leave the house most of the day and then vacuum really thoroughly when you get home. you'll be grossed out by how many dead fleas you find. After I did that never had a problem again.
+1 for diatomaceous. It desicates the bugs and works great for fleas, lice, or anything with an exoskeleton for that matter :D
I always use advantage on our cats and dog.....works great then , vac vac vac vacuum the carpet everyday. The fleas will find there way onto the cat and die. Always worked for us. I may try the powder thing next time to see if it will save some money over the advantage. But the advantage works fast on the animal and we have never had any of them get sick from it.
tryed the borax today the fleas were still alive after 8hrs. need to find a place that sells the earth stuff any one know?
Just reading this makes the area around my sock line itch....ugh! Hope you get them under control soon.
bought the diatomaceous earth yesterday and put it only under the couches because i have a 1yr old boy and today the fleas have diminished quite a bit. cat is flea free and looking better. thnx every1 for the help hope this works totally. next step was tear down both reefs and bomb the house way too much work as we all know. stupid vampire bugs. but thnx every 1!!! u gave me things to try befor a shiot ton of work that means the world to me.

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