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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. Fly n Reef

    Latest Pictures - June 2004

    Chuck the corals are doing well. Thanks for taking good care of them. Come by sometime to check them out. Karen
  2. Fly n Reef

    Latest Pictures - June 2004

    Gee Chuck your corals have grown alot since I saw your tank last. It really is looking great. Glad to see it. Karen:)
  3. Fly n Reef

    Coral banded shrimp. Yay or Nay?

    Hi Jeff, I have had my CBS in my tank for two years w/o any problems. I have him in with both SPS and LPS and in the old tank I had several softies too. No problems. He is very nocturnal and I don't see much of him unless I bring out the flashlight for some nighttime tank investigation...
  4. Fly n Reef

    Help with Purple Tang

    John, That is a good idea about the nori. Thanks, Karen
  5. Fly n Reef

    Help with Purple Tang

    Hey Chuck long time no hear. What do ya think about the tang? He is big for my 25 and would like to get it into the 180 ASAP. He was a rescue from Petco and I bought him from Reeffrontiers "Beto" in Kirkland because his other FO inhabitants were beating up on him. I couldn't feel good about...
  6. Fly n Reef

    Help with Purple Tang

    Hi Alice, He is doing pretty good today. His mouth is looking much better and the spots on his sides are almost gone. I think his eyes are still cloudy but I am seeing improvement. I want him to start eating better soon so he can move into the 180. Thanks for your concern. Karen
  7. Fly n Reef

    Reef Frontiers Chat

    Llarian, I thought it started at 5:30, no? Just wondering. Fly
  8. Fly n Reef

    Reef Frontiers Chat

    It is now 5:42 and I still cannot figure it out. Hope ya all had a nice chat. Bummer for me. Fly
  9. Fly n Reef

    Reef Frontiers Chat we have to register and pay the fee after the 30 day trial? Fly
  10. Fly n Reef

    Help with Purple Tang

    Hi Everyone, I just picked up this Purple Tang and he a a semi-rescue mission for me. He is currently in QT. I am not dosing anything in the tank except garlic supplement in his food. I do not want to use copper in this tank. It is hard to get a picture of his mouth but he appears to have a...
  11. Fly n Reef

    Clown Goby in overflow...

    Thanks for the suggestions... uwscotch-I am considering leaving him in there. I can't imagine your fish surviving the return pump, that's amazing. Bobby, I tried your suggestion to suck him out with clear vinyl tube to no avail. I can't get much reach because of the canopy and the tank is...
  12. Fly n Reef

    Clown Goby in overflow...

    Scott, I can't remove the coupling w/o becoming Gumby. I tried to "flood" the overflow to cause him to move and be washed down the overflw but that wasn't working either. I need to get some help removing the canopy and then I should be able to get to the coupling/fish. Good thing is I need...
  13. Fly n Reef

    Clown Goby in overflow...

    Hi Everyone, I just spent the better part of the afternoon trying to get my Green Clown Goby out of the overflow. I am frustrated and defeated by the task. The fish is about 1", the stand-pipe is 2" into a threaded coupling that is attached to the BH flowing into the sump...The fish has...
  14. Fly n Reef

    Tacky Question, How much do you spend on your hobby per year?

    Let's talk painful joy. I just finished setting up my new 180. I am just starting to stock it. Now that the major costs are out of the way (tank, stand & canopy, sump, skimmer, etc.) I just found out my chiller is just not big enough. To the tune of another six hundredish bucks I now have a...
  15. Fly n Reef

    getting anemone in 10 gal

    Hi Nubes and welcome to Reef Frontiers. I am no expert by any means but what are you trying to do here? An anemone in a 10 gallon seems unrealistic. What kind are you thinking of? Tank raised clowns may or may not host an anemone. As for your substrate...what do you have and what do you...
  16. Fly n Reef

    Algae Issues

    Sounds like diatoms to me. I just had a bought with them and turned my lighting off for 24 hours and saw a very noticeable differance. You really need to get yourself a timer. Go to the local hardware store to get one. They carry all that you will need. What kind of water are you using...
  17. Fly n Reef

    Algae Issues

    Ok Becky- It sounds like most of your parameters are on track. IMO from what I have learned you need to raise your SG to about 1.025-1.026. Slowly of course. Another question...what is your photo period? And most important what kind of algae are we dealing with? What kind of lighting are...
  18. Fly n Reef

    Algae Issues

    Hi Becky, The skimmer will help remove excess nutrients but you will need to find out where they are coming from to beat them. The questions that others will ask are 1. How old is your tank? 2. What kind of bioload do you have? 3. What are your water parameters/and what are you testing...
  19. Fly n Reef

    Power outages, I spit in your face! LOL

    Power outages? I woke up way too early this morning, 3:55am to mother natures call, and went back to bed and barely drifted back to sleep then that aweful click sound and dead silence. The power had gone out. I immediately went into mini panic mode. Got back up to make sure that nothing was...
  20. Fly n Reef

    550 Gallon project starting up again.

    I think you are going to have some flow baby. Congratulations on getting it back up and running. A task for sure. Keep us updated. Karen