Clown Goby in overflow...

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Fly n Reef

Sky Goddess
Aug 18, 2003
Kent, WA
Hi Everyone,
I just spent the better part of the afternoon trying to get my Green Clown Goby out of the overflow. I am frustrated and defeated by the task.
The fish is about 1", the stand-pipe is 2" into a threaded coupling that is attached to the BH flowing into the sump...The fish has decided to weasle itself into the space between the BH and coupling. I have tried draining all but 1" of water and convince him that his SPS is waiting, not working. Also I tried to "flush" him into the sum with a net waiting, didn't work either. I first tried the net only then net with handle of the scraper for convincing it to move, the space is just too tight. While siphoning the water out of the overflow I even tried to get him to take the ride to the bucket. Nothing
Any suggestions? He can't live in there forever.
Hey Fly,
Can you remove the standpipe and coupling from bulkhead? That way you might be able to get him to take a ride to the sump when the return pump is on.
I can't remove the coupling w/o becoming Gumby. I tried to "flood" the overflow to cause him to move and be washed down the overflw but that wasn't working either. I need to get some help removing the canopy and then I should be able to get to the coupling/fish.
Good thing is I need to tweak the canopy anyhow so I will kill two birds with one stone and hopefully not kill a fish.
Thanks for the suggestion.
I know of a certain members tank who has a goby that happily lives in the overflow. That is not all of it. It lived in the overflow for sometime and then he noticed it in the sump. This is the amazing part unless he is pulling our leg. The fish survived the return trip back into the tank (in one piece) and promptly returned to the overflow where I believe he remains to this day. How did it survive the pump, I have no idea, but I have sent calurpa thru my pump and large 1.5" pieces come out completely unscaved. I say leave him and worst case scenario, he/she will end up in the sump.

I've done this before....

If you can get a 1/2" or 3/4? clear peice of vinyl tubing in there. What you want to do is get real close to him and suck on the other end really hard forcing him up into the tube. Then keep sucking to apply pressure so he doesn't fall back down and slowly slide your thumb over the hole, so that you don't lose suction. Then lift the little guy out of there. Now, sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't. I've gotten lucky a couple times doing this, but you have to be quick.

Also, if you put a cup near by... Next to your overflow you can just lift the tube real fast while it is retaining suction and dump it into the glass.

Thanks for the suggestions...

uwscotch-I am considering leaving him in there. I can't imagine your fish surviving the return pump, that's amazing.

Bobby, I tried your suggestion to suck him out with clear vinyl tube to no avail. I can't get much reach because of the canopy and the tank is 6X2X2 and my arm is not that long. :)

As soon as my new chiller arrives, hopefully next week, I need to do some more tank projects and will have the canopy off and I will be able to get a better angle to the over flow. Hopefully that works and he has learned his lesson. HA, HA!

Thanks for the help.
Extend the vinyl tubing outside the tank. You can make it really long. Once you suck and the goby is half way up the vinyl tube, then put your finger over the end to keep the suction

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