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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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    October PSAS Meeting- Randy Reed

    Ed, I wasn't there, but I'm guessing green algae and saltwater fish are the most beneficial. Am I right?
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    Skimmer question

    I'd go with what skimerwhisperer says, he knows what he's talking about.
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    lighting question

    This is the only one that I'm familiar with. If you find others please let me know. This compares the 250 watt mh.
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    Skimmer suggestion for 180g

    Luke is this the skimmer that you're talking about? I noticed this one and one that is a Octo Pro 300 S for around $50 more and I'm not sure which one you're referring too. Also what would you recommend for a...
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    My favorite coral as of Now.

    Those photos look familiar!!!!!
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    Protein Skimmer Question???

    Don't do it!!!
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    BM250 vs MSX250 or 300

    I believe the 250 is something like 16" x 16" and the 300 is 13" x 17". I'm looking at buying one of them as well. I was intially looking at the BM too, but that price is a little too steep for me.
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    SPS Tank Equipment Ideas

    Thanks for the reply. Yeah I'm familiar with what a skimmer does I'm just curious what Kevin uses for a skimmer on his tanks at Aquatic Dreams.
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    SPS Tank Equipment Ideas

    Hey Kevin, I was wondering what type of skimmer do you use on your tanks at Aquatic Dreams. I'm looking at setting up a 300 gallon SPS system and figured I would ask someone that has been successful in growing these types of corals. Thank you for any information that you can provide me with in...
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    New Skimmer ideas

    I'm starting to look at purchasing items for a new tank and I wanted to get everyone's thoughts on ideas for a new skimmer. This tank will be anywhere from 100-200 gallons, so I'm just going to assume 200 for now and will include a 40 gallon frag tank along with around another 60 gallons or so...
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    Website WYSIWYG Update

    Cy- Yeah I have Firefox 3.0.
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    Website WYSIWYG Update

    I can see the images on the main page but I keep getting this error as well.
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    thought about selling cube today...I was so freaked out.

    Ed- If you want to sell that cube, feel free to give me a know the number. I would be more than happy to take it off your hands for a good price:D.
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    Which Bulbs

    I'm still pretty new to the whole lighting thing. What does ppfd stand for?
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    Which Bulbs

    Hey Kevin quick question for you, I'm looking to put up 2 400 watt HQI MH, driven by a PFO ballast, along with 2 to 4 t-5's on my next tank. What are the ideal MH and T-5 bulbs that will not only produce a nice white look with a bluish tint but also produce the best overall growth for SPS...
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    New Services Offered

    Cy- I've been very impressed with BR's ability to branch out and offer other services, rather than just sell fish and coral like a typical LFS. You guys truly do offer pretty much anything anyone could ever want.
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    calcium build up?

    I've been dosing my tank for the past month or two and I've noticed that a white hard substance is starting to develop on all of my equipment and sides of the tank. I'm attributing this to improper dosing (not allowing enough time between doses). I'm assuming that this is calcium build up...
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    CoralVue Company Question

    Thanks Cy.
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    CoralVue Company Question

    Yeah that is what I did first. Reef Exotics told me that I needed to contact CoralVue.
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    CoralVue Company Question

    Has anyone else had any problems with getting CoralVue to get back to you? I recently bought a Calc Reactor from them, through another company, and one of the pipes actually busted on me when i tried to set it up. This is a brand new reactor. I contacted CoralVue (email) on 3 seperate...