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  1. mcdonaldjosh7

    how do you get nitrates/ammonia down?

    its a qt tank so no live rock or anything... I am going to have to move to tang and surviving goby back to the DT tank. They are ich covered but honestly they would be dead by morning if i didnt move them... plus this gives me a few days to figure out what happened to the QT tank. honestly i...
  2. mcdonaldjosh7

    how do you get nitrates/ammonia down?

    Well my nitrates in my DT aren't nearly that high, and the problem of hair algae went away once i actually got a working skimmer
  3. mcdonaldjosh7

    180 gallon dual octogon AGA

    fair enough :lol:
  4. mcdonaldjosh7

    how do you get nitrates/ammonia down?

    oh end it was 50ppm, not ppt....huuuuge difference :lol:
  5. mcdonaldjosh7

    how do you get nitrates/ammonia down?

    an ro/di unit is like top on my list for when I get money... and no tds meter....probably up there on my need to buy there a specific one you would recommend?
  6. mcdonaldjosh7

    how do you get nitrates/ammonia down?

    Alright, so I feel stupid asking this after a year of reefing, but my water has never had problems and now my QT has some serious water quality issues (o.5 ammonia, over 50ppt nitrates). thing is i suspect the lfs i get water from isnt selling actual rodi saltwater...since I do a water change...
  7. mcdonaldjosh7

    180 gallon dual octogon AGA

    google it....
  8. mcdonaldjosh7

    x( dying

    I read most your sticky's, and followed the guide you had posted when setting up the QT. The tank was 50% DT water, 50% ro/di salt water. So given the scenario, which treatment would be better? copper or hyposalinty?
  9. mcdonaldjosh7

    x( dying

    Agh. Just a post displaying my frustration. I setup a QT tank, I moved the 2 gobies into the tank Monday, and the tang yesterday. They have ich.... The tang sits vertically in the corner...though he seems fine other then that. So one of the gobies will most likely be dead by morning...the...
  10. mcdonaldjosh7

    Problem catching your fish?!

    My moonlights work for me :)
  11. mcdonaldjosh7

    Problem catching your fish?!

    Wait till they tangs always sleep right next to the glass...never failed me yet :lol:
  12. mcdonaldjosh7

    Who are you? Here is me ;)

    That would be krish :lol: look back at the thread...he had the first post for like a year haha
  13. mcdonaldjosh7

    Best Choice for Aiptasia control

    Now I didn't read through the entire thread, so forgive me if I am saying something that has already been stated: But go with the nudis...the other livestock will not always eat aiptasia. Plus, once you get a peppermint, it is very likely to go and eat your Berghia should you choose to add them...
  14. mcdonaldjosh7

    How deep?

    DonW is right. Make sure to plan EVERYTHING (not just the sand) so that you are prepared for your livestock.
  15. mcdonaldjosh7

    Who are you? Here is me ;)

    Oh sweet A few months old but not too bad :lol:
  16. mcdonaldjosh7

    QT Tank?

    Im looking at taking the salinity down to 1.009 right now... I have to get all the fish into the Qt first...I managed to catch the gobies and they are in there right now. Still have to get the tang and the damsel (the hard ones). My maroon clown will be easy, as he swam into the net out of...
  17. mcdonaldjosh7

    QT Tank?

    Thats a little confusing, but the tang and 2 gobies are showing guaranteed signs of ich, so I need to treat them...if thats what your saying? I am looking at attempting to leave the tank fishless for 8 weeks, maybe a little more (depends how soon I can turn this 55 gallon into a QT for the...
  18. mcdonaldjosh7

    QT Tank?

    72 hours running, 50% water from the DT, 50% new RO/DI water...would you guys say I could move the tang now? He looks worse every day...
  19. mcdonaldjosh7

    QT Tank?

    No I don't plan to use copper. I worry of its effects on the fish, plus it will be no good for the eel. Hyposalinity seems the best route for me in this situation... So much work though :/
  20. mcdonaldjosh7

    Treating an eel for ich?

    Yeah I am worrying I will have to tear down my 55 gallon FW and turn that into a QT and then use hyposalinity method in both tanks....god i don't look forward to keeping 2 QT tanks running...