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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. Ricko

    6-line wrasse... DEAD

    Can happen unfortunately!! How did you go about acclimating him?
  2. Ricko

    finished sump

    Ha, yeah bout time hey.
  3. Ricko

    finished sump

    Alright my new sump is pretty much finished, custom 290ltr tank, 6" deep plenum using shell grit, approx 25lbs live rock (with more to come). Two 2" damsels and a 15" brittle star taking care of excess food. There is a phosphate filter in there too but is currently unused, should i use it for...
  4. Ricko

    New skimmer

    This is the skimmer i am currently using rated at 800lts and was thinking of doing the next size up rated for 1500lts. That would prob be enough for my tank and is also $1200 cheaper than the aqua medic. The reef octopus skimmers look very similar to the ones in the links you guys put up.
  5. Ricko

    New skimmer

    I am in the market for a new skimmer and am thinking of moving away from reef octopus. I now have in my sights the 'Aqua Medic T.5000 Twin'!(rated for 1250gal). Is this rediculous overkill for my tank(190gal) or should i go for it? Any suggestions welcome, i am a huge fan of skimming!
  6. Ricko

    Tank mates for clowns

    What size tank???
  7. Ricko

    Bristleworm, friend or foe?

    If you want to keep these bristle worms in your tank you might want to stay away from coral banded shrimp, mine ate all bristle worms and i haven't seen any in my tank for a couple of years. I think a few other things eat them too so might want to look into it.
  8. Ricko

    Tank Relocation Issue

    How deep is the sand bed, as i would not be comfortable moving a glass tank with that extra weight.
  9. Ricko

    My new tank!!

    Tis a shame we in diff countries as i would do your glass tank in starfire for free, you are a top bloke. Cant wait to see the bar setup.
  10. Ricko

    Tank Relocation Issue

    I had to keep my fish (inc. a moorish idol) in tubs with live rock and powerheads for 36hrs when i relocated my tank to another room so you wont have a problem assuming you have alot of rock (i had 2 x 160ltr tubs with approx 130kg of rock divided between the two). As for the sand bed i wouldn't...
  11. Ricko

    Rust and Fish

    It probably isn't an issue dependiing on your volume of water as well. I had the same problem and when i went to fix it all bits of rust were falling off everything that i touched and no ill effects have come of it. As has been said though, some water changes and the corrosion can only last so...
  12. Ricko

    Show me your full tank shots

    Here's mine, only just starting on corals again sorry.
  13. Ricko

    Whats your Favorite Fish kept

    My moorish idol and my regal tang, both i hand feed and the regal goes nuts for food. Both been to hell and back a few times due to careless mistakes on my behalf. They are very entertaining to watch!