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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. S

    The joys of Cyanobacteria

    The system as it stands is about six months old although the tank is older and used to contain African Cichlids until I got tired of watching them tear each other apart. Be that as it may the tank id 40 gallons (And yes it was thoroughly cleaned before conversion to a Reef tank) Although the...
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    The joys of Cyanobacteria

    As of yet I have not done any testing for nitrates or nitrites but I do use Green-X in all of my tanks which seems to do a great job of keeping nitrate, nitrites and phosphates down. I think a test may be in order though. Never gave it a thought that Nitrogen could be expelled by the substrate...
  3. S

    The joys of Cyanobacteria

    here are a couple of questions. What kind of salt mix do you use? Coralife scientific grade how is the flow in the areas that have the cyano. Quite heavy at the top of the reef and moderate to low on the substrate. Where exactly is the cyano in the tank? Just about every level and place. How...
  4. S

    The joys of Cyanobacteria

    Good day all, For about a Month now I have had a running battle with Red Slime in my Reef tank and have tried two different products (None of which worked) and siphoning the *$#& off of the rocks and substrate. I have just read something that said that cyano can be removed from corals by soaking...
  5. S

    A stranger in the tank

    And quite a beautiful creature it was too. I say was because I just caught it munching away on one of my Feather Dusters. I kind of hated to dispose of it, like I said it was quite a striking creature and I would have loved to have kept it.
  6. S

    A stranger in the tank

    I checked the link and you nailed the little bugger. A nudie he is for sure. I think I will let him roam for now unless he starts to damage my soft corals and then he's an ex-nudie! Noe on to my other problem...back to siphoning my latest crop of cyanobacteria... OH JOY! And I thought the algae...
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    A stranger in the tank

    Thanks for the wellcome Sorry about the picture quality but I had to get a quick one while our invader was still in sight. Will try to get another but in the interim the best I can do is a little better description. Our friend is about 1/2" long with a flattened body edged on both sides with...
  8. S

    A stranger in the tank

    Hi All, We were looking at our Reef tank he other day and this rather strange looking fellow crawled out of the live rock. It moves like a snail or rather a Slug as it has no shell. I was just wondering if anyone can identify this stranger for us. Many thanks...