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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. Forestal

    fragging blastos

    another great way is to use a tile saw and cut into slivers, will give you multiple pieces
  2. Forestal

    Help! New Dad 100 Sea Horses

    a couple things with feeding babies, they need a high concentration of food : rotifers are good, baby brine shrimp newly hatched are also good and easier to raise quickly various types of setups you can use, some use a pseudo kreisel, circular flow to keep the babies off the surface (avoiding...
  3. Forestal

    My 120 Reef

    Hi Kim...i keep my temp 75-78 on the reef...the 120 has been up as is since late Aug. 05... live rock/corals/fish/water moved from my basement 150 which had been up for 10 months before.... so the rock/fish are older, the tank didnt cycle as such, but go through the occasional issue with sand...
  4. Forestal

    Skimming 101

    in case anyone with same skimmer is reading, the makers suggest the water level be kept 1-2" above the black box, which seems low, but will make for some pretty concentrated stuff by the time it gets up top.
  5. Forestal

    Skimming 101

    Hi Brian...i do have a decent pump, tried it witha small powerhead but didnt work well, less bubbles... can anyone tell me how far up the 2nd riser the water level should be... i have a cup of fine foam from 24 hours, nothing liquid in the cup after 24 hours... any specific recommendations on...
  6. Forestal

    Skimming 101

    experiment failed :) of 200gph not enough to generate bubbles...since i now realize the vacuum force sucking in the air on top of the skimmer is from stregnth of pump...this skimmer wii be tough but not impossible to tweak with an airstone...may try that... have a gate valve on the pump to...
  7. Forestal

    Skimming 101

    thanks Anthony... im in the process of hooking up a smaller pump as an experiment...i know the nutrients are in the tank, and after 8 hours on regular, i get tiny bit of clear foam making it up the neck. the air flow comes from the neck (? venturi) and not dependent on the pump for flow...i...
  8. Forestal

    Skimming 101

    Hope y'all don't mind if i try to resurect this thread.... whew a lot of information...i think i am finally starting to understand some of this stuff.. i have 120 gallon tank and wanted a good skimmer, got a used MRC-1 problem was hooking up the thought i needed a lot...
  9. Forestal

    Anenome ( BTA ) help!

    every couple months i get shrimp, clams, mussels, salmon and other stuff from the seafood section, put it in the blender with some dt's and cyclopeeze and use a cube of this to feed them 2-4 x /week
  10. Forestal

    Anenome ( BTA ) help!

    try moving the food near a tentacle and let it sting the food and pull it towards its mouth, squirting into the mouth may stress it and make it close up defensively i dont have experience with track lighting, but its not just wattage that is importance, but intensity and color... not sure what...
  11. Forestal

    My 120 Reef

    Thanks y'all :) took my 2 maroon clowns that were getting pushy in the seahorse tank and moved them to the anemone tank. one bta just split (again...gonna have to start giving these things away) the torn one has healed completely...amazing really
  12. Forestal

    aquariumgirl's reefs

    fantastic !!!!!
  13. Forestal

    My 120 Reef

    and i am on the aiptasia issue
  14. Forestal

    My 120 Reef

    you are too quick :) yep...will take a quick pic..but is just actinics and just to show the bta's in their new home: just 6600K lighting 250w
  15. Forestal

    My 120 Reef

    Clavularia and on right i think merulina
  16. Forestal

    My 120 Reef

    Tank view last month (note no more BTA's ) Orange Montiphora capricornis: Leather and purple mushrooms in background: My neon blue and green clown gobies-love these little fish. lots of personality Green stylo, pink acro and on left is a turbinaria peltata Fungiid and mushrooms Pumpkin zo's
  17. Forestal

    My 120 Reef

    Hi all... havent been online for a while, back again and realized i havent posted my tank much... if any with really good previous post of my 120 cube and 150 tank are down..they were up for a year , but being in the basement made them less viewed and enjoyed... I "upgraded" toa...
  18. Forestal

    help with cpr overflow

    works great...thanks alot :) and i did use one of my kids straws :)
  19. Forestal

    help with cpr overflow

    ah...see i think i lost what i had, but am trying to rig with air tubing, but from the top, not down further, will try it out....thanks very much :)
  20. Forestal

    help with cpr overflow

    hi all... my old cpr overflow never came with a kit to keep down the slurping, and their site isnt super clear on how to make it stop slurping.. anyone have a picture...i'm tryin to rig something up, but would help if i could just look at a picture...thanks :)