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  1. G

    Fish Suggestions?

    Thank you for the advice- I am curious about what an Anthias is. We have had the tank for almost 3 years, so how long does one have to own a tank before they no longer have "fish fever"? My intention was to ask questions and learn. When the Tang grows too large we will find a nice home for him...
  2. G

    Fish Suggestions?

    What does anyone think about a Jawfish? I like the fish that burrow and peek out- I know Jawfish jump- my tank seems pretty well covered except for an inch or so around the skimmer. I think Blennies sound wonderful, but I am exploring the Jawfish option too or maybe a Goby. Thanks, Gina
  3. G

    Fish Suggestions?

    Thanks- The funny thing is that the Clown does not bother ANYTHING else. There even was a crab living in its anemone at one point and it could care less. When the Tang was introduced it pretty much left it alone- it's just me it has a vendetta against. As for the Tang- yea I know- everyone...
  4. G

    Fish Suggestions?

    Thanks! Are the Blennies easy to feed? One web-site said they eat bits of meat- like squid or shrimp but another site said they are veggie eaters which would be easier. Although I appreciate every piece of advice- I don't think I'll get a mate for the Maroon Clown. He is very aggressive- every...
  5. G

    Fish Suggestions?

    I'd like to get a new fish for our tank. Any suggestions? I was thinking a Bi-color Blennie would be nice. Thanks, Gina Salt: .024 Temp: 78 degrees 55 gallon tank 1 Maroon Clown 2 Anemone Several Mushrooms Polyps 1 Cleaner Shrimp 1 Brittle Star 1 small red star 1 Sand Star Several snails and...
  6. G

    Emaciated Mandarin?

    Thank you! Does anyone know what their lifespan is? Gina
  7. G

    Emaciated Mandarin?

    How ironic- two Ginas! I don't know how to culture pods and we don't have a refugium- is a refugium expensive or complicated? Do you know how often you should add a bottle of pods to your aquarium? A refugium is for breeding the pods- correct? Yea, I'd hate to loose my Mandarin he is adorable...
  8. G

    Emaciated Mandarin?

    I just noticed today that my Mandarin Goby looks skinny. I can really see his lateral line (I think that is what it is called), and I think, maybe his belly is a bit sunken in also. His color is good and he is active. I just put in some krill and watched him eat 4 small pieces, but I am...
  9. G

    Anemone problem

    Thanks! He seems to be doing O.K. today. it was kind- of sad but cute- his Clown fish kept picking up the section that was ripped off and trying to place it back in the anemone until I finally took it out. He does seem to be healing I just didn't know if we had to treat him in any way. I guess...
  10. G

    Anemone problem

    Our Red, Clown Amenmone just got sucked into one of our water ripplers. We had no choice but to pull him out and he lost a good chunk of himself to the rippler (about a square inch). Anything we can do for him or will he just heal on his own? Thanks, Gina
  11. G

    Spots on Tang

    Thanks- I took this to the fish forum. In response to the above question- how big is my tank? 55 gallon. Gina
  12. G

    Spots on Tang?

    The spots aren't actually "colored" they are transparent- as if the color of his fin was rubbed off. Gina
  13. G

    Spots on Tang?

    Thanks! Sounds like all very good advice and maybe nothing to panic over? He does seem very healthy otherwise- no change in behavior and he still eats his fair share. I added some Formula Two to his diet which was recommended by our Pet Store guy for Tangs. He does not hang around the Polyps at...
  14. G

    Spots on Tang?

    Here is a picture of my Tang's spots- the one right on top of the dorsal is pretty obvious. The smaller one is more faint and towards the tail on the dorsal. Again, they are kind-of "see through"- not a hole though, they just appeared overnight and they don't seem to be getting any bigger or...
  15. Tang - spot on dorsal fin - pic 2

    Tang - spot on dorsal fin - pic 2

    Tang - spot on dorsal fin
  16. Tang - spot on dorsal fin - pic1

    Tang - spot on dorsal fin - pic1

    Tang - spot on dorsal fin
  17. G

    Spots on Tang?

    The ammonia always registers at the bottom of the scale. It never changes. I use a fairly newly purchased fasTest kit. I think a more accurate number would be ".10. Now that I re-read the directions I realize I forgot the "." The last time we had an outage was Thursday, Dec. 14th-15th for...
  18. G

    Spots on Tang?

    Oh, and to answer Butterfly fish- spots just appeared overnight. No growing, just one minute not there the next minute there.
  19. G

    Spots on Tang?

    I will try to download a picture of him tonight. Yes- we introduced a Peppermint Shrimp about the same time he developed the spot (s). The Peppermint died, but that is not unusual- we can't seem to keep them in our tank (another issue altogether) No, we have no quarantine system. The spots have...
  20. G

    Spots on Tang?

    Our little Blue Tang just developed 2 spots on his dorsal fin. One is fairly large- oval and somewhat see through. The second spot is farther back and much smaller. Any idea of what this could be and if it is dangerous to him? I don't believe it is either black or white Ich. The fin is not...