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  1. S

    false ocellaris diagnosis please

    Water levels are normal NH3 - 0 NO2 - 0 NO3 - 20 pH - 8.3 temp - 26 C / 78.8 F Salinity - 1.023 New additions in the last week - two pieces of live rock with numerous living things inside, two blennies (unknown type) who actually came out of the live rock, two hermit crabs, and a piece of nori...
  2. S

    false ocellaris diagnosis please

    The white band closest to my clownfish’s tail has faded to a pinkish white. His tail fin is a little tattered. Sometimes he swims in jerky motions as if jumping through the water. He prefers to swim headlong into the outlet now. None of these are normal. What’s wrong?
  3. S

    The Case of The Murdered CopperBand

    Yes, the poor fish took the brunt of my ineptitude, but I think I'll wait a little before I try a sensitive fish... and remove the sergeant....
  4. S

    The Case of The Murdered CopperBand

    I have had my FOWLR 230 l (60g) tank for about a month and a half now since its first cycle. Over that time I have added about 12.5 kilos (27.5 pounds) of live rock, two captive-bred Ocellaris’, three Chromis Greens, and a Sergeant-Major Damselfish who hitchhiked in on a water change. Last...