false ocellaris diagnosis please

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Mar 4, 2007
The white band closest to my clownfish’s tail has faded to a pinkish white. His tail fin is a little tattered. Sometimes he swims in jerky motions as if jumping through the water. He prefers to swim headlong into the outlet now. None of these are normal. What’s wrong?
Well I know someone's going to ask you to post your water parameters, to help diagnose the problem.

Any changes or new additions to the tank lately?

Do you have a QT tank available? If so, you might want to get it ready to go.
Water levels are normal
NH3 - 0
NO2 - 0
NO3 - 20
pH - 8.3
temp - 26 C / 78.8 F
Salinity - 1.023

New additions in the last week - two pieces of live rock with numerous living things inside, two blennies (unknown type) who actually came out of the live rock, two hermit crabs, and a piece of nori for my blue tang to nibble on.

Other changes - moved some live rock around.
Since I've posted this same response to you in another Forum, I'll repeat it here so others don't think I'm not responding.
There are a number of possibilities. At least from the description, the fish has a bacterial infection, but is that all or is this a secondary problem? More like a secondary problem.

Is this fish in the 60 gallon aquarium you setup in March, 2007? Is this the aquarium where you've had other recent fish losses? Are you still not using a quarantine process?

So many possibilities. :evil: If the above assumptions are true then:
1. Not using a quarantine process allows diseases, parasites, and problems into your display. There could be a pathogen in the display tank and the fish is diseased.
2. The tank is too young for fish. The tank hasn't matured and probably still going through changes the fish can't handle. A system is usually ready for fish in about 6 months. See these references/posts: http://www.reefland.com/forum/marine-fish-care-health-disease-treatment/19339-mature-aquarium.html
3. Water quality. Because of at least 2. if not more reasons, the water quality is at least unstable if not below good. This could be more than just the ammonia and nitrites, it could be a low gas exchange problem causing low oxygen, high organics, etc., etc.
4. The fish could be stressed and unable to cope with captivity (i.e., dying).
5. Because of the above, the fish is contracting infections that it should be able to fend off if it was less stressed, in better water, in a mature aquarium, and fed properly.

The hobby can be frustrating, but we learned the best and most successful approach is one that uses a lot of patience. :)

Since the fish is likely being stressed and contracting a secondary bacterial infection at least, it should be hospitalized and treated with an antibiotic. The first thing to do for the display tank, while setting up the hospital tank is to make a 60% or more water change in your display tank. This can help improve the water quality. Make sure the water change follows good practice like noted here: http://www.reefland.com/forum/saltwater-fish-only-aquariums/21166-how-do-i-do-water-change.html

After the above the best you can do is wait and see if any symptoms appear which are not bacteria related.

I wish you luck! :) Ask if you need more information or help, and check out the other posts and threads in this Forum: http://www.reefland.com/forum/marin...treatment/21337-table-contents-link-list.html

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