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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. sirfisher

    high calcuim

    I've noticed my acropora and some of my other corals haven't been polying out and they're losing some color. I tested and found out that my calcium is up at about 500ppm. I'm going to start bring my calcium level down. I would like to know what effect it will have on my corals.
  2. sirfisher

    brown tips on acropora

    I recently added a reactor with charcoal to my water system about two week ago, and last week some of my acropora tips died off, the rest of the colony looks to be doing alright. Do you thing the charcoal had anything to with that?
  3. sirfisher


    Is that you YEKIM? I remember you and you're specially made name tag. What a hoot. I felt a little silly when I asked you what Country you were from with a name like that. I should've known better if DE had anything to do with it. You guys were too funny and made it a pleasant event having...
  4. sirfisher

    Red bug removal question

    Kevin, Is there any way to treat them in the tank with out remove the coral out of the tank?
  5. sirfisher

    sea swirl

    thanks for the reply I'll try them.
  6. sirfisher

    sea swirl

    Is there any one out there that knows where I can purchase some electric motors for a sea swirl? Mine quit working and I need to replace it.
  7. sirfisher

    uv sterilizer or ozone

    thanks for responding.
  8. sirfisher

    uv sterilizer or ozone

    I have be thinking about trying ozone but I get mixed reviews about it. I have a 125 gal. tank and 30 gal. sump. I'm running a 25w aqua step ulteraviotert sterilizer now and thinking about going bigger. I would like some feed back on this.:confused: thanks
  9. sirfisher

    Building your Own Sump. June 2008 Club Meeting.

    Nice pics, thanks for sharing.
  10. sirfisher

    Paul Hamby's Aquascaping 101 class...

    Ed, Are you about ready for a fish? I thank Carmen want's to keep the naso. I'll call you tomorrow. Nacho
  11. sirfisher

    Kill the zoos

    I would like to know also, I'm getting them all over.Any good suggestions?
  12. sirfisher

    Show off your clams here

    show off your clams here some of my clams
  13. clams


    Tridanca Derasa
  14. clams


    Tridacna Gigas, Maxima, Derasa
  15. clams


    Tridacna Crocea
  16. about 8to10in. gigas

    about 8to10in. gigas

  17. about 8to10in. gigas

    about 8to10in. gigas

  18. about 8to10in. gigas

    about 8to10in. gigas
