
Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Thank you all on the east side. I had a blast as always. You all are very kind and welcoming. I cant wait to the next one. Let me know how l can help more the next time.
Thank you all on the east side. I had a blast as always. You all are very kind and welcoming. I cant wait to the next one. Let me know how l can help more the next time.

Is that you YEKIM? I remember you and you're specially made name tag. What a hoot. I felt a little silly when I asked you what Country you were from with a name like that. I should've known better if DE had anything to do with it. You guys were too funny and made it a pleasant event having you all attend.

We all want to say thanks to you all for making it and supporting our club. Sirfisher sure enjoyed getting his grill on for all of you at the Friday night social because he's like a grill magnet and enjoys it as much as this hobby.

We look forward to seeing you guys at all of our future conferences.

This is his wife Lemrac (Carmel) using his name. MCSAC Secretary.