1.5inch huma trigger and a 1.5inch sixline any problems here?

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Jul 22, 2007
1.5inch huma trigger + 1.5inch sixline
A friend of mind has a 50gallon with a established 1.5inch huma, will adding a sixline be any problem? His tank is a FOWL. So there are lots of rocks. I would appreciate feed back so I can help my friend decide. I also heard that sixlines can be pretty aggressive.Thanks

Edit: He also has a 100gallon tank downstairs, so dont bash me or him saying the triggers going to outgrow, which it is true. by than it will move to that other tank.
You mention not to bash your friend because he has a bigger tank for when the Trigger gets bigger and needs it. But, the Trigger has already outgrown its current tank. This sized Trigger should be in no less than a 90 gallon aquarium.

The introduction of the Wrasse won't be a problem for the Huma Huma, it may be a problem for the Wrasse. The Huma Huma, or Picasso Triggerfish is a mean fish that gets meaner every day. As it gets older it gets bolder and adopts a specially hostile attitude.

Since the Trigger is already space stressed, it may view the Wrasse as not only an intruder, but trying to take resources the Trigger has been used to. Hence, the Trigger would do its best to make life miserable for the Wrasse.

Maybe the thing to do is put the Trigger into the larger aquarium at the same time the Wrasse goes in there. Still, that would be about all the fish that next sized aquarium will be able to comfortably hold. Those two fish in the 100 would be the maximum fish mass I'd put into a 100. :)