10gal Nano

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Anytime you would like to stop by I'll have plenty of chaeto & Caulerpa for you also could easily find an extra Stomatilla snail for a janitor to your fuge. Probably an errant zoa or two as well.

Cheers, Todd

If your free this weekend or next week in the afternoons I would like to stop by and take you up on your offers.
Wow! Looks like diatoms! If so, all a part of cycling. Are you using tap water or ro/di water? Let us know. If tap, usually it will contain alot of silicates in it that diatoms feed on. In the meantime, hit the home tab and look towards the top of the center column and you will see an article I did on diatoms. Take a peek at that so you can know what you are up against. :)
All with the exception of about 1.5 gallons is R/O water. I saw no Diatom growth until yesterday when a tiny bit was starting to show on the sand and by this afternoon when I got home from work I could not see thru the side of the tank. I scraped and siphoned it of the sides of the tank.

I do have 2 turbo snails in there and have the lights on a shorter cycle during the day, hoping to get the root of the cause taken care of so this stays a part of the normal cycle and does not go any further or worsen out of control.
All with the exception of about 1.5 gallons is R/O water. I saw no Diatom growth until yesterday when a tiny bit was starting to show on the sand and by this afternoon when I got home from work I could not see thru the side of the tank. I scraped and siphoned it of the sides of the tank.

I do have 2 turbo snails in there and have the lights on a shorter cycle during the day, hoping to get the root of the cause taken care of so this stays a part of the normal cycle and does not go any further or worsen out of control.

RO or ro/di? There is a difference. You want ro/di and not just ro water. That may be your fuel there for the diatom growth especially the other 1.5 gallons that was tap? On such a small system, things are more easily influenced so you have to be a bit more cautious. You dump a gallon of toilet water in a 10 gal tank and you will have problems. You dump a gallon of it in a 125 gal and it probably wouldn't even register. You can always test your make up water but in all cases, unless your water has been tested and found suitable for aquarium use, always try to use ro/di water so you'll know you aren't adding fuel in the tank for the algae to feed on. :)

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ok, lots of new stuff with my tank. At first I was in a situation where I was having to take it down, however, I was able to keep it. And boy am I happy. I switched to LED lighting which made a world of difference.

I just got back from a week in Minnesota for work and now I could spend hours looking at the tank.

My Kenya tree has grown 2", my xenia is tall and full of life.
My zoa polyps seem to be spreading which is great.
I have a lot of coraline growth all over the rocks and back of tank.
I have small tube worms popping up all over.
My wife said my cleaner shrimp has molted twice since I was gone.
The leather coral frag I have has split and is about twice the size as from when I got it from Red C about a month ago.
My watchman goby has also become not shy and is always out sifting sand, the kids love watching him.
Everything has gained soo much color and size. The LED light switch is probably the best thing I have done to the tank so far. I have copepods so thick it looks like flies on rotten food.

The down side is my engineer gobies have decided the refugium is a better home and they keep getting into it and living there.

Soon to have new pictures up, but oh man is my nan turning out better than I thought, and faster too. I also added a Hydor Pico Evo-Mag Circulation Pump with rotating deflector which i got from Red C. That does wonders, I am getting ready to add a second one, it gives good life to the tank and is really small.

By the way, hope you stayed safe with the hurricane Krish.
Thanks man...I did! :) Worse thing that happened was I lost a few shingles but all are fixed. No damage otherwise. Some of the other islands got beat up pretty bad. Heard one house was washed out to sea.

With that said, looking forward to your pictures!! Sounds like things are going great!! :D
I picked up a Marineland Reef Capable LED fixture. I had read reviews and heard it was not the best, but my my 10g it has worked very well and even pentrates enough light to the sand bed.
Good to see its still up and running is the big one up yet. And after all that you told me about LED's and look who was right they are the way to go lol.
I have a critter I am trying to ID. I have tried taking a pic of him but he blends into the rock too well. It looks like a snail with a limpet or chiton shell on his back. He is about the size of a small marble. He sits on the edge of a rock and pumps out a white "cloud". Not sure what he is or if he is good or not. He is brown and has 2 small eyes stems and 2 antenna stems.
Dont fool yourself about adding the LEDs to your system and contributing all the success. You are doing some other important things to help your tank thrive.
Good job.
Now lets see......