10gal Nano

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Been awhile since II have posted, had a rough several weeks. A few things I have noticed with the tank though, and yes pictures to come soon.

My goniporia frag used to open fully all of the time and now does not, anyone have insight to better care so I can get it to reopen?

One of my peppermint shrimp is carrying eggs and has now for about 3 weeks. Will they survive or will they just be a tasty morsel for my other inhbitants?

Lastly, I have a pretty good outbreak of Cyano. Any better methods of ridding it besides picking it off of everything and constant water changes?
use RO/DI water if your using tap water that could be your big issue. turn your lights off for a few days and it will start to die off. And if you really need to I will give you the name of the chems I ended up using, txt me if you need it.
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I use RO/DI water, lights are down to only a few hours a day so I do not cause harmful affects to corals. How is your build going? I was going to see you but hd some troubles with wife and work and now limited at work
My build is going really slow, I am on duty today but going to work on the sump later when everyone is gone. Sorry to hear your not coming. Hope you get everything worked out. I will get you the namo of the stuff I use when I get home tommorow its good stuff and once I used it the cyno never came back. Another thing you might try is to increase your flow. they love the dead pockets to water.
I woke up this morning to most of my fish dead and my tank looking sick. I did a full water test and found everything noral except phosphates through the roof. I have a bag of Phoz-ban I was going to try and I did a water change immediatley. Curious what caused all this, the tank was very healthy and going great.

I also changed out one of my powerheadss from a Maxi-Jet 400 to Korilia 500 fan pump. Tons more flow in the tank, corals need to adjust and I have to move some around to geet them in flow they like. But hopefully the tank is happier. I also pulled 2 bristleworrms out of the fuge that were about 8" long. I see a few here and there but most are about an 1" long, these two were huge.

Keener, you should be checking volleyballs for air pressure and volleyball nets for holes when your on duty shouldn't you. lol

What is a good frag glue to use? I have pieces of my birds nest and kenya tree which have broken off and I want to get them growing if they wiill survive.
Sorry to hear about your losses. I don't think phosphates would be the casue. If anything, it would promote algae growth, but a part from that, I've never heard of phosphates killing fish. Any chance to get a photo of the tank to see what "sick" looks like? Also, have you cahnged anything else recently? In addition to that, did the fish show any signs of sickness prior to them dying? Let s know...
That's pretty cool. Im new to this so. But this is the best sit I've come across I like your setup. As soon as I get to posting ill be asking more questions. The nano looks good though. Good job
Did you diy refugium. Or buy it. If so where, and what's the model? I'm new and haven't decided if I'm going to do a hob refugium. Or sump.