Okay, so let me start out by saying that I have the worst possible timing known to man. We are buying a house on Friday, and I had to go out and buy a reef aquarium today because I just couldn't wait any longer. I'm justifying the purchase because my birthday is next Sunday
Anyway, I'm committed now - but all I have is the tank (so literally, I JUST bought the aquarium). I decided to go with a factory glass Aqueon 120 gallon (48x24x24) drilled aquarium because it as easy and on sale. It's still sitting in the back of my car (since I'm MOVING!) and I have no idea what the size of the holes are yet and what bulkheads I'll need.
Now, I'm completely overwhelmed! My significant other is really handy (whereas I am NOT, I don't think I even knew what a bulkhead was until I started doing research), and has agreed to help me with this stuff, but he's also really busy (Mostly since we're MOVING!). I am trying not to break the bank all at once and purchase things in phases - but I'm also really anxious to get started. My local shop is happy to help me out a lot, too, but I would like some input from you guys before I dive in head first.
We are going to build a stand and an LED fixture, I think. I don't know how big the sump will be able to be since we have not built the stand yet - but I can speculate given the size of the tank. Here are the things I could use some input on:
1. Lighting. I'd like to go with some powerful LEDs and I think we will build our own. I know reefledlights.com is a popular source, but I'm not sure what DIY kit I should go with for a 24" deep tank. I'd like to have powerful lighting so I have the option of getting lots of different corals as I learn what the heck I'm doing down the line and not need to upgrade my lighting. What are your thoughts on that? Size of heatsink? Number of LEDs? Spread? Optics?
2. Plumbing. THIS is where I'm feeling really overwhelmed. The tank is drilled in the bottom and the overflows are on the back. I have been watching Bulk Reef Supply's videos, which are great, but I think I need a little more guidance as far as WHAT I need to purchase in order to have fail-safe plumbing and filtration.
3. Protein skimmer. I'm not sure what the optimum GPH is for a 120 gallon reef tank, and what brands are good. Favorites? Also, what would be the ideal sump size, or is that all dependent on size availability? I'm considering buying a new sump, but that might not be super economical...
4. Wavemakers. Same issue - not sure how much water movement I need for a reef tank with diversity and different corals. I just know I want to vary the current so I don't ambush the inhabitants all the time at the same flow rate, correct?
Are YOU overwhelmed now? I'm sure I have lots of other questions but I will save them for later. Thanks in advance for helping me screw my head back on straight!
Anyway, I'm committed now - but all I have is the tank (so literally, I JUST bought the aquarium). I decided to go with a factory glass Aqueon 120 gallon (48x24x24) drilled aquarium because it as easy and on sale. It's still sitting in the back of my car (since I'm MOVING!) and I have no idea what the size of the holes are yet and what bulkheads I'll need.
Now, I'm completely overwhelmed! My significant other is really handy (whereas I am NOT, I don't think I even knew what a bulkhead was until I started doing research), and has agreed to help me with this stuff, but he's also really busy (Mostly since we're MOVING!). I am trying not to break the bank all at once and purchase things in phases - but I'm also really anxious to get started. My local shop is happy to help me out a lot, too, but I would like some input from you guys before I dive in head first.
We are going to build a stand and an LED fixture, I think. I don't know how big the sump will be able to be since we have not built the stand yet - but I can speculate given the size of the tank. Here are the things I could use some input on:
1. Lighting. I'd like to go with some powerful LEDs and I think we will build our own. I know reefledlights.com is a popular source, but I'm not sure what DIY kit I should go with for a 24" deep tank. I'd like to have powerful lighting so I have the option of getting lots of different corals as I learn what the heck I'm doing down the line and not need to upgrade my lighting. What are your thoughts on that? Size of heatsink? Number of LEDs? Spread? Optics?
2. Plumbing. THIS is where I'm feeling really overwhelmed. The tank is drilled in the bottom and the overflows are on the back. I have been watching Bulk Reef Supply's videos, which are great, but I think I need a little more guidance as far as WHAT I need to purchase in order to have fail-safe plumbing and filtration.
3. Protein skimmer. I'm not sure what the optimum GPH is for a 120 gallon reef tank, and what brands are good. Favorites? Also, what would be the ideal sump size, or is that all dependent on size availability? I'm considering buying a new sump, but that might not be super economical...
4. Wavemakers. Same issue - not sure how much water movement I need for a reef tank with diversity and different corals. I just know I want to vary the current so I don't ambush the inhabitants all the time at the same flow rate, correct?
Are YOU overwhelmed now? I'm sure I have lots of other questions but I will save them for later. Thanks in advance for helping me screw my head back on straight!