120g build...after disaster stikes

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Hey Steve,

I think running both will be fine. For now I will run w/o skimmer for maybe another 6-8 weeks than do a full set of tests " before I forget how " then decide. Having had primarily a softy/lps tank for so long I have tipically let my Xenias & Sarcophytons let me know if my water was good. I really hope that the "Mud" is all that & more. As i said its awfully nice not having to clean a skimmer.

Miracle Mud

Hey Steve,

Its been 3+ weeks now and everything still looks great, had a very small cycle w/ a little diatom action but nearly gone now. I dusted off the test kits and all is good have added quite a few sps and other frags from fellow RFers with some really nice pieces from Gordy who's just down the road from me, he has an awsome 180g sps/lps tank "Hmmm where could I fit another tank :idea:"

a few pics of new stuff added

Looks great very nice job on the stand! Makes me want to do a little more with my fuge yours is so nice looking.

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I really like the tank and the stand. Do you have any cross bracing? Or is it strictly a frame of 2x6/2x8's? Also what is the method you used for the bondo and what brand/type of paint? Looks really good, I like the glossy look (and normally I am strictly flat black).
heres the scoop on the stand:

the base is 4 2x4's and then sitting on those are 5 2x6's to support vertically and then the same thing on top 4 2x4's and then a nice big thick piece of 3/4" plywood for the top

for the bondo part i just used wut i had left from a truck project...bondo brand bondo haha works good (get it at any auto parts store) but if i were to do it again i would go to a auto body store and get finish bondo its like a top coat very light and much easier to work with...its for finer work...

the paint is was special outdoors paint and is semi-gloss got it at benjamin moore (brother inlaw used to work there and really know his stuff)